1:1 Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour [T: that cometh of our God and saviour] Jesus Christ:     qtext

1:2 Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through [T: in] the knowledge [G: acknowledging] of God, and of Jesus our Lord,

[2 Pet 1:2 see 1 Pet 1:2, Jude 1:2]

(2 Pet 1:1) GF4: 325; GF7: 311 [260]; IP3: 131, 405; IP4: 342f; WPT 49

(2 Pet 1:1)

GF4:325 (1663): And Peter in his epistle, doth not call them lay-people, but such as "have obtained the like precious faith [2 Pet 1:1], and beloved."

GF7: 311 (1668): [Truth] makes free [Jn 8:32] to be partakers of the divine nature [2 Pet 1:4] and precious faith [2 Pet 1:1]

IP3: 405f (1677): Query 11. What is this precious faith [2 Pet 1:1], which is the gift of God [Eph 2:8], which none can obtain but they that are born of God? John 1. 12-13.


1:3 According as his divine [BT: godly] power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge [G: acknowledging] of him that hath called us to glory and virtue [T: by virtue and glory]:     qtext

1:4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious [G: the most great and precious; BT: excellent and most great] promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine [BT: godly] nature, having escaped [GT: in that ye flee; B: if ye flee] the corruption that is in the world through lust [BT: of worldly lust].     qtext

(2 Pet 1:3) WPR 89

(2 Pet 1:3f) JN2: 247; IP4: 250

(2 Pet 1:4) GFJN 134, 559; GF3: 59, 181; GF5: 123; GF7: 25 [18], 311 [260]; GF8: 230 [383]; MFU 348, 469; JN1: 13 (GF), 74 (RF); JN2: 218; JN3: 24; IPL 64; IP2: 318; IP3: 43, 72, 96, 190, 259 , 269, 303, 327, 354, 414, 445; IP4: 245, 249, 253, 287, 289, 341; RBA 175, 208; RBAF 133, 157; EQ 253 (FN), 322 (BC); WPT 320


(2 Pet 1:3)

WPR 89 (1669): it is both reasonable and incumbent upon all, to make only such things necessary, as tend to life and godliness [2 Pet 1:3]

(2 Pet 1:3f)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 1:3f: JN2: 246f (Rom 2:14- 16)]

(2 Pet 1:4)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 1:4: GF7:311 (under 2 Pet 1:1), MFU 469 (Mat 19:28), JN1:74 (Rev 13:7), IP3:43 (John 17:21- 23), IP3:259 (Rev 22:1), IP3:269 (Rom 3:2)]

GF7:25 (1652): partakers of his divine nature [2 Pet 1:4]

GF8:230 (1683): who know the divine nature, and are made partakers of it [2 Pet 1:4]

IP3:190 (1668): So putting on Christ, he ... drinks in the virtue and life of the precious promises, wherein and whereby he is made partake of the divine nature [2 Pet 1:4], and so cannot but witness redemption from the earthly, corrupt nature.

IP3: 303 (1674): Indeed it becometh the heavenly children to partake of the divine life, and of the heavenly nature of their Father [2 Pet 1:4], and be like him. And he that partaketh of his nature, of his holiness [Heb 12:10] is holy, as he is holy [Lev 11:44]....

IP4:253 (1671?): the whole corruption that is in the world, is through lust. [2 Pet 1:4]

IP4: 287 (1675?): When men are truly turned to God, there are great and precious promises made to them, which, through faith, obedience, and diligence, they come to enjoy, whereby they are made "partakers of the divine nature." [2 Pet 1:4] And when they partake of the "divine nature," do they partake of a nature that is fallible, or infallible?

WPT 320 (1696, mod Eng): His obedience affects every piece and part of our salvation, since in it he became a conqueror and "held even captivity as a captive and obtained gifts for all [Eph 4:7f] – great and precious promises – that by them we might first escape the corruptions of the world caused by evil desires and become participants in the divine nature." [2 Pet 1:4]


1:5 And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge [G: join moreover virtue with your faith, and with virtue, knowledge (etc). BT: in your faith minister virtue, in virtue knowledge (etc through v 7)];     qtext

1:6 And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;

1:7 And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity [GBT: love].

1:8 For if these things be in [GBT: among] you, and abound [B: be plenteous; T: are plenteous], they make you that ye shall neither be barren [GBT: idle] nor unfruitful in the knowledge [G: acknowledging] of our Lord Jesus Christ.     qtext

1:9 But he that lacketh [G: hath not] these things is blind, and cannot see afar off [T: gropeth for the way with his hand], and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.

1:10 Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall [T: err]:     qtext

[1 10: cf 1 Th 1:4: Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God]

1:11 For so an entrance [G: For by this means an entering; BT: Yea, and by this means an entering in] shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.     qtext

(2 Pet 1:5-8) GF5: 301; IP4: 94

(2 Pet 1:5-7) GF7: 76 [63]; GF8: 131 [340], 229 [383], 279 [401]

(2 Pet 1:6) GFNJ 281

(2 Pet 1:8) GF8: 55 [306]?

(2 Pet 1:10) GF4: 84; GF5: 123; MFU 211; JN1: 265; IPL 29; IP2: 257; IP3: 151, 216, 233, 292f, 524; IP4: 25, 94f, 405; EQ 100 (WD); RBA 70, 228; RBAF 53, 169; HPS 288; 409 (EB), 487, 517; WPR 68, 115, 133, 138; WPT 319

(2 Pet 1:10f) IP4: 353

(2 Pet 1:11) IP3: 220


(2 Pet 1:5-7)

GF7:76 (1654): so that in peace, patience, righteousness, and temperance, and godliness ye may be kept, and all grow up in brotherly kindness [2 Pet 1:5-7]

GF8:131 (1676): and let temperance, and patience, and kindness, and brotherly love be exercised among you [2 Pet 1:5-7]

GF8:229 (1683): all that are in the true faith or knowledge may show it forth in virtue, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and true charity or love [2 Pet 1:5-7], which beareth all things [1 Cor 13:7]

(2 Pet 1:8)

GF8: 55 (1674): do not grow barren [2 Pet 1:8]

(2 Pet 1:10)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 1:10: EQ 100f ( under Heb 12:14), HPS 517 (Heb 10:25), WPR 68 (Mat 12:36)]

MFU 211 (1657): give all diligence not to make only your calling but your election sure [2 Pet 1:10], & friends, your day of calling is come, ye are called out of the world

IP3: 216 (1672): ...men's wrong apprehensions concerning election out of the seed, the true doctrine of election doth not consist with. He hath chosen us in him [Eph 1:4]. So that in him, to wit, in Christ, the choice is; and he that will make his election sure [2 Pet 1:10], must make the seed sure to him; growing in the nature thereof, wherein the election is to the truly obedient.

IP3: 292f (1674): [long passage "Concerning making our calling and election sure", 2 Pet 1:10]

HPS 409 (Elizabeth Bathurst,1679): so many as obey his call, in yielding themselves to be gathered by this gathering Arm, may make their Election, and consequently their Salvation, sure in him [2 Pet 1:10]

(2 Pet 1:11)

IP3: 219f (1672): And they that are thus purged, shall sit with Christ in the heavenly places [Eph 2:6]; there being an abundant entrance ministered to them into the everlasting kingdom [2 Pet 1:11].


1:12 Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these [BT: such] things, though ye know them [G: have knowledge; B,T: know them in yourselves] , and be established in the present truth.

1:13 Yea, I think it meet, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you up by putting you in remembrance;     qtext

1:14 Knowing that shortly [G: Seeing I know that the time is at hand that; B: Forasmuch as I am sure that shortly; T: For as much as I am sure how that the time is at hand that] I must put off this [G: lay down this; T: put off] my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me.     qtext

1:15 Moreover I will endeavour that [G: I will endeavour therefore always that; B: I will ever also give my diligence that; T: I will enforce therefore that on every side] ye may be able [G: ye also may be able; B: ye may have wherewith; T: ye might have wherewith] after my decease [GBT: departing] to have these things always in remembrance [BT: stir up the remembrance of these things].

1:16 For we have not followed cunningly devised [GT: deceivable; B: deceitful] fables, when we made known [GBT: opened] unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of [GBT: with our eyes saw] his majesty.

1:17 For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved [BT: dear beloved] Son, in whom I am well pleased [B: delight; T: have delight].     qtext

[cf Mat 17:5]

1:18 And this voice which came from heaven we heard [GT: we heard when it came from heaven; B: we heard come from heaven], when we were [GT: being] with him in the holy mount.     qtext

(2 Pet 1:12-14) GF6: 301

(2 Pet 1:12f) RBA 76; RBAF 58

(2 Pet 1:13) RBA 293

(2 Pet 1:13f) GF2: 332; GF6: 110; WTG 49 (SM)

(2 Pet 1:14) WDS 279

(2 Pet 1:16-19) JN3: 398

(2 Pet 1:16) GFJN 400; MFS 28; RBA 437; RBAF 396

(2 Pet 1:17-21) IP3: 263-72

(2 Pet 1:17) GF5: 123; IP3: 265

(2 Pet 1:18f) MFS 28; IP3: 263f


(2 Pet 1:13)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 1:13: RBA 293 (under Heb 10:25)]

(2 Pet 1:13f)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 1:13f: GF6:110 (under Rev 14:13)]

GF2: 332 (George Fox, 1687): [quotes 2 Pet 1:13f] Peter knew he must put off his tabernacle shortly; but as long as he was in it, he did stir up the saints to their duty in holiness, that they might remember it after he was deceased.

(2 Pet 1:14)

WTG 49 (Susanna Morris, 1725): Then for a time my outward tabernacle [2 Pet 1:14] greatly shook and trembled

(2 Pet 1:17f)

IP3: 265 (1672): Now here to these blessed apostles was a vision given ... not in the mind or head, as Daniel's visions were, Dan 7:1, but the excellent glory did appear... and the voice came (the certain voice; what voice could be more certain?) from the excellent glory, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." And this pure vision of glory (even of God's thus appearing, and Christ's thus transfiguring), they saw. and heard the voice which came from heaven, when they were with him in the holy mount. [2 Pet 1:17f; Mat 17:5]

(2 Pet 1:18f)

MFS 28 (1660): Now the apostle Peter directed those that he wrote to, unto "the prophetic word made more sure" [ 2 Pet: 1:19] than that which he heard in the mount [1:18]... [quotes v 19]


1:19 We have also a more [G: most; BT: right] sure word of prophecy [G: the Prophets] ; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:     qtext

[may be conflated with Luke 1:78 (dayspring from on high); Gen 32:24-26]

(2 Pet 1:19-21) GFJN 40; GF5: 242f; MFU 103

(2 Pet 1:19) GFJN 318; GF3: 98, 115f, 130, 177, 211, 242, 260f, 286f, 377, 415, 483; GF4: 44, 164; GF5: 123; GF8: 7 [265], 16 [270], 51 [300]; GFEJ 258, 476; GFT 63; DGA 25, 118; MFU 16, 52; MFS 28; JN1: 49, 128, 172; 215 (GF), 227, 377, 514; JN2: 61, 195, 228, 244; JN3: 16, 127, 399, 408; IPL 44, 48, 56; IP1: 260, 368; IP2: 64, 66; IP3: 211, 242, 253, 264, 287, 502; IP4: 260; TEM 118; EQ 326 (BC); HPS 304; 384, 397 (EB), 454 (MF); WPR 323, 570, 582; WPT 129, 155, 252, 346; WTG 128 (EH)


(2 Pet 1:19)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 1:19: GF4:164 (Mat 24:27), MFS 28 (2 Pet 1:18f), MFU 16 (Luk 21:19), MFU 52/HPS 454 (John 3:19f), JN2:228 (John 5:35), IP3:264 (Mat 17:2f), IP3:269 (Rom 3:2), WPR 570 (John 1:5)]

GF8:51 (1673): And so is outward midnight a great while off the day star's arising [2 Pet 1:19]; yet here a lamp is burning.

JN1:128 (1653): Thou sayest, "this [scripture] is a more sure word of prophecy," and to prove it, thou quotes 2 Pet 1:19, where the apostle speaks not of the letter but of the light of Christ shining in the dark hearts, to which they were to give heed, that by it they might be led to the day....

IP3: 287 (1674): The day-spring must arise from on high in the heart [2 Pet 1:19 confl w Luke 1:78]

HPS 304 (Susanna Blandford, 1700): [I] with many of my dear Friends have wrestled with the good Angel until the day dawn, and the Day-Star arise in our Hearts, and hath not let him go until he hath blessed us [2 Pet 1:19 confl w Gen 32:24-26]

WPR 570 (1694): And the light that shined in darkness, or but dimly before, the most gracious God caused to shine out of darkness, and the day-star began to arise in the hearts of believers [2 Pet 1:19]....

WPT 129 (1674, Mod Eng): ...if Cornelius [Acts 10:1-33] and the centurion [Mat 8:5-13 | Luk 7:1-10) had not conscientiously followed the Light within, Peter would not have been received into the home of the first nor would Christ have been followed by the second.The measure of the divine Light that they had obeyed, as the undoubted word of prophecy, led them naturally to the dawning of the day star [2 Pet 1:19].

WTG 128 (Elizabeth Hudson, 1742): Thus it pleased the Lord to hold me for some time in a wrestling frame of spirit without suffering me to prevail until his day dawned up on my soul and his day star arose in my heart [2 Pet 1:19 confl w Gen 32:24-26]


1:20 Knowing this first [GBT: So that ye first know this], that no prophecy of [BT: in] the scripture is of any private interpretation [B: is of any private motion; T: hath any private interpretation] .     qtext

1:21 For the prophecy came not in old time [T: scripture came never] by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.     qtext

(2 Pet 1:20) GF3: 60, 89, 298; GF4: 301; GF7: 111 [111]; JN1: 289, 484; JN2: 76; IP3: 118; RBAF 204; HPS 334

(2 Pet 1:20f) GFJN 114; GF3: 242; GF5: 141; GF6: 395; GF7: 111 [111]; MFS 28; MFU 114, 131; JN1: 19, 221; JN3: 129; IP3: 268; EQ 317 (BC); HPS 281, 338

(2 Pet 1:21) GFJN 33, 57, 331, 360, 604; GF3: 41, 58f, 78, 96, 125, 135, 171, 188f, 221, 242, 256, 271, 273, 281, 287, 346; GF4: 19, 120, 123, 173, 364f, 391; GF5: 245, 288; GF6: 34, 248; GF7: 28, [20], 77 [63], 99 [91], 111 [111],129, 130 [132], 159 [171], 174 [184], 244 [230], 281 [245], 321[262]; GF8: 19 [275], 71 [313], 143 [345], 215 [377], 228f [382]; MFU 166; JN1: 21, 62, 81, 130, 164, 178, 223, 239, 272, 310, 320, 379; JN2: 93, 167; 267, 268 (RS), 278, 315, 542; JN3: 48, 755; IP3: 82, 167; IP4: 203; HPS 187, 319; 352 (EB); WPR 341, 458, 585; SBD 15; JWJM 67; SIW 80f


(2 Pet 1:20)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 1:20: GF3:60 (John 10:35)]

JN1: 289 (1654): And thou beast and false prophet [Rev 19:20], who hast not the Spirit which was in the apostles, by which the Scriptures are given forth, and by which the saints are guided; what hast thou to do to sit as judge of the saints or what they do in obedience to that Spirit thou knows not? or to interpret any Scriptures? For no scripture is of any private interpretation [2 Pet 1:20]. And thou that hast not that Spirit has a private spirit, and thy interpretations are private and for thy private ends....

IP3: 118 (1668): ...they plainly show that they are erred from the truth [Jas 5:19], and that their interpretation is of their own private spirit [2 Pet 1:20], and not that public Spirit which all the prophets of God, and apostles, and truly holy men were guided by.

HPS 334 (Rebecca Travers, 1669): thou hast brought forth so many accusations against those that cry up the Light, and borrow'd so many Scriptures with thy own private interpretations [2 Pet 1:20], to make truth thy seeming falsehood, and to set up thy own imaginary light

(2 Pet 1:21)

[Other texts citing 1 Pet 3:21: GF3:125 (John 8:44), GF3:171 (John 1:1), GF3:221 (John 5:22), GF3:273 (Heb 12:9), GF3:346 (Luk 11:52), GF4:19 (Mat 3:12), GF5:245 (John 16:13-15), GF5:288 (Mat 8:27), GF7:28 (Mat 7:13), GF7:111 (Luk 3:23), GF7: 321 (Mat 1:20), GF8:143 (Heb 11), MFU 166 (John 15:22), JN1:130 (Mat 13:10f), JN1:320 (Gen 11:1-9), JN2:542 (John 5:38), IP4:203 (1 Pet 4:11)]

GFJN 33: For I saw in that Light and Spirit which was before Scripture was given forth, and which led the holy men of God to give them forth [2 Pet 1:21], that all must come to that Spirit, if they would know God, or Christ, or the Scriptures aright, which they that gave them forth were led and taught by.

GF7:244 (1653): no knowing the scriptures, but by the same holy ghost that moved the holy men to give them forth [2 Pet 1:21]

JN1:178 (1653): ...holy men of God spoke forth the Scriptures as they were moved by the Holy Ghost [2 Pet 1:21], without carnal learning. And holy men by the same Spirit read and understand them again, not by carnal learning and natural tongues....

JN1: 223 (1653): the true ministers (ministry) of Jesus Christ have always been and are still such as came not by the will of man, but by the will of God [2 Pet 1:21]; neither are they fitted for that work by anything of man, but by God alone....

IP3 (1668): 82: ...he saith, "There was none of the prophets that were commissionated to write scripture." They spake and wrote as they were moved by the holy Spirit [2 Pet 1:21], and is that not a sufficient commission?

WPR 585 (1694): They went not forth or preached in their own time and will, but in the will of God, and spoke not their own studied matter, but as they were opened and moved of his Spirit [2 Pet 1:21], with which they were well acquainted in their conversion; which cannot be expressed to carnal men so as to give them any intelligible account, for to such it is as Christ said, like the blowing of the wind, which no man knows whence it cometh, or whither it goeth [John 3:8]....

SBD 15 (1750): For as holy men wrote [The Scriptures] by the inspiration of the Spirit [2 Pet 1:21], so by it we must come to a right understanding of them; otherwise they will be as a book sealed, and the bare reading of the letter will be no other than a bare report of things at a distance.

JWJM 67 (17-): ...as we believe the Scriptures were given forth by holy men as they were moved by the Holy Ghost [2 Pet 1:21], and many of us know by experience that they are often helpful and comfortable and believe ourselves bound in duty to teach our children to read them, I believe that if we were divested of all selfish views the same good Spirit that gave them forth would engage us to learn [Negroes] to read, that they might have the benefit of them.

SIW 80f (Catherine Payton Phillips, 179-): I have been shocked in the consideration, of the expressions of the holy men of God, who penned them as the Holy Ghost dictated them [2 Pet 1:21], and some awful instructive historical parts of Scripture, becoming prostituted to the purpose of amusement;


(2 Pet 2) GF3: 543; GF4: 309; GF5: 46f; GF6: 221f, 313, 358


2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies [T: sects], even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction [GBT: damnation].     qtext

[cf Jer 5:31, Mat 24:24]

2:2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways [G: destructions; BT: damnable ways;]; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.     qtext

2:3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment [G: condemnation] now of a long time lingereth not [G: long since resteth not; BT; is (B: now) not far off], and their damnation slumbereth not [G: destruction slumbereth not; BT: damnation sleepeth not].     qtext

[make merchandise of souls: conflated with Rev 18:13; make merchandise (trade) of the word (scriptures): see 2 Cor 2:17 Geneva; with feigned words and fair speeches: confl w Rom 16:18]

(2 Pet 2:1-3) GF3: 186; GF7: 98 [91]; MFS 20f; MFU 103; JN1: 217 (GF); JN2: 42; RBA 287; RBAF 204, 233, 238

(2 Pet 2:1) GFJN 188; GF3: 65, 228, 232, 245, 375, 524, 533, 538f; GF4: 358; GF5: 316, 388, 421; GF7: 243 [229]; GF8: 11f [266], 55 [305], 60 [308], 149 [351]; MFS 21; JN1: 248, 253, 510; JN2: 68, 201, 350; 401 (TB); IP1: 414

(2 Pet 2:1f) GF3: 294f; GF5: 431; GF6: 431; IP3: 137

(2 Pet 2:2) GF3: 54, 87, 170, 254, 383; GF7: 10[Tes], 95 [83], 115 [116], 309 [258]; GF8: 281 [401]; JN1: 83; 118 (GF); JN3: 250; IP1: 23, 158; HPS 344 (EB), 531

(2 Pet 2:2f) GF4: 190

(2 Pet 2:3) GFJN 187; GF3: 8, 23 (EB), 82, 155, 380, 533, 577; GF4: 33, 131, 259; GF5: 49, 195; GF6: 250, 314; GF7: 19 [5]; GF8: 252 [394]; MFU 68, 82, 132; JN1: 22, 85, 96, 112, 241, 249, 386; 396 (JA); JN2: 38, 42, 76; 270 (A), 285; JN3: 516; IP1: 265; IP4: 176; RBA 289; RBAF 237; HPS 338; SIW 47


(2 Pet 2:1-3)

MFU: 103 (1654): see whether they are not these false Prophets which deny the Light which comes from Christ Jesus their Lord that bought them [2 Pet 2:1]; and through Covetousness, shall they with feigned words make Merchandize of you [2 Pet 2:3].

(2 Pet 2:1)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 2:1: GF3:375 (Heb 2:3), GF8:11f (Mat 18:12f), JN1:248 (Mat 24:5)]

GF3: 228 (1659): ...in the last times false Christs and false prophets shall arise, and bring in damnable heresies, etc....[Mat 24:24/2 Pet 2:1]

GF8: 60 (1674): For Christ bruises the serpent's head [Gen 3:15], who is the head of all false teachers [2 Pet 2:1]

JN2: 68 (1655): As though a man could be free from the pollution of the world [2 Pet 2:20] through lust, and yet deny the Lord that bought them; [2 Pet 2:1]

JN2: 401 (Thomas Biddle, 1655): my bowels yearn toward you and pity you, to see prophets and teachers creep in among you [2 Pet 2:1] to draw you from your guide

IP4: 176 (1667): ... denying the true power [2 Tim 3:5], they denied the Lord that bought them [2 Pet 2:1], and so held not the head [Col 2:19]....

(2 Pet 2:1f)

IP3: 137 (1668): They that depart from the power, they that err from the faith [1 Tim 6:10], they that are in the highmindedness and conceitedness, out of the fear [Rom 11:20] – they easily hearken to seducing spirits [1 Tim 4:1] and drink of their poison. And Peter plainly foresaw that these would be many [2 Pet 2:1f].

(2 Pet 2:2)

IP1: 158 (1659): Yea, in the very days of the apostles, the way of truth was evil spoken of [2 Pet 2:2], and synagogues of Satan [Rev 2:9] setting up, and blasphemies growing up apace from those which held the true form, but denied the power [2 Tim 3:5], even while the pourings-forth of the Spirit, and revelations from the Spirit, did abound...

GF7:115 (1656): But all keep in diligence, that no occasion may be given to any to "speak evil of the truth" [2 Pet 2:2]

JN1:83 (1653): Corrupt doctrines and pernicious ways [ 2 Pet 2:2] we deny

(2 Pet 2:3)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 2:3: GF3:82 (under Heb 6:2), JN1:249 (2 Pet 2:14f)]

GF4:33 (1654): all such as go after covetousness, to make gain of the people [2 Pet 2:3], are denied;

GF8: 252 (1684): And all the restless, unquiet, unruly murmurers and complainers ... wandering stars [Jude 1:16,13] who are wandered from witness of the Lord in their own hearts [1 Jn 5:9f]; such their judgments do not linger, nor their damnation doth not slumber [2 Pet 2:3], though they may be suffered for a time to try God's people.

JN1: 85 (1653): whose judgment lingers not, whose damnation slumbers not [2 Pet 2:3]

JN1:396 (John Audland, 1654): Howl, ye merchants of Babylon, who through covetousness makes merchandise of souls [2 Pet 2:3, confl w Rev 18:13]

SIW 47 (Lydia Rawlinson Lancaster, 1755): But we have need of patience to wait that time, for it may not be in our hasty time, for our Judgment sometime is rash but his is sure and lingereth not [2 Pet 2:3] but for some good end.


2:4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment [G: kept unto damnation; BT: kept unto judgment];     qtext

[2 Pet 2:4 cf Jude 1:6]

2:5 And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher [T: right preacher] of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;     qtext

2:6 And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow [G: condemned them and overthrew them; BT: overthrew them, damned them], making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly;     qtext

2:7 And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy [GT: uncleanly; B: unclean] conversation of the wicked:     qtext

2:8 (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;)     qtext

[2 Pet 2:6-8 cf Gen 19:1-29]

2:9 The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:

2:10 But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government [B: authority; T: the rulers]. Presumptuous are they [G: which are bold], selfwilled [GB: and stand in their own conceit; T: and stubborn], they are not afraid [GBT: and fear not] to speak evil of dignities [G: them that are in dignity; B: them that excel in worship; T: them that are in authority]     qtext

[cf Jude 1:8]

(2 Pet 2:4-6) GF8: 176 [361]

(2 Pet 2:4) GFJN 4, 18; GF6: 430; JN2: 251; IP3: 28, 112

(2 Pet 2:5-8) GF6: 130, 430

(2 Pet 2:5) GF3: 219; GF4: 49, 309; GF5: 210, 399; GF7: 290 [249]; GF8: 133 [342], 137 [343]; DGA 25; LB (F55); IP4: 33; HPS 510; WPT 344

(2 Pet 2:6-8) GF6: 447

(2 Pet 2:6) GF7: 164 [172]

(2 Pet 2:7) GF5: 211; GF7: 215 [215]; GF8: 73 [314]; IP3: 45; HPS 194; WPR 150

(2 Pet 2:7f) GF6: 106 ; JN1: 98, 157; TEM 65

(2 Pet 2:8) GF3: 7 (EB)

(2 Pet 2:10) GF5: 50; GF7: 89 [79]; JN2 235; IP1: 330f; WPR 643


(2 Pet 2:4-6)

GF8: 176 (1679): Many of these got up to be teachers, having high swelling words [2 Pet 2:18, Jude 1:16], whom the apostle judged among the fallen angels, and the old world, and Sodom [2 Pet 2:4-6]

(2 Pet 2:4)

JN2: 251 (1655): naught else hast thou received but a spirit of bondage [Rom 8:15], who hath not the Spirit of the Father in thee, and so art bound in the chains of darkness [2 Pet 2:4] and would keep others with thee;

IP3:28 (1667): ...that he might reach to his own in you, and scatter your apprehensions, imaginations and conceivings about the meanings of scriptures (which are as so many chains of death and darkness upon you [2 Pet 2:4])

(2 Pet 2:5)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 2:5: GF3:219 (under Mat 20:1-14), GF7:290 (Jude 1:14)]

GF4: 49 (1655): Do you call this recreation, ye idle ones, like the old world? as Sodom and Gomorrah in fulness of bread and idleness [Ezek 16:49], who turned against Noah and Lot, the preachers of righteousness [2 Pet 2:5], so it is at this day....

GF8:137 (1676): And as Noah was preserved in the ark, over the outward floods that drowned the old world [Gen 7, 2 Pet 2:5], so will God's people be preserved from the fire and brimstone [Rev 20:10], that is prepared for the wicked, and the devil and his angels [Mat 25:41].

(2 Pet 2:6-8)

GF6: 447 (168-?): And the Lord turned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, and delivered just Lot, whose soul was vexed from day today with their unlawful deeds [2 Pet 2:6-8]

(2 Pet 2:7)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 2:7: HPS 194 (under Mar 3:5), WPR 150 (Heb 12:24)]

(2 Pet 2:7f)

JN1:98 (1653): [you persecute those] whose righteous souls are vexed, as just Lot's was, with your filthy conversation [2 Pet 2:7f], who uphold iniquity and live in it

TEM 65: indeed their conversation was a burthen to my life, and made me often think of and pity good Lot [2 Pet 2:7f].

(2 Pet 2:8)

GF3: 7 (Edward Burrough, 1658): all this has vexed the righteous soul [2 Pet 2:8]

(2 Pet 2:10)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 2:10: GF5:50 (under Jude 1:8)]

GF7: 89 (1654): wandering stars [Jude 1:13] which lead up into the presumption [2 Pet 2:10]

JN2: 235 (1655): ..yet are not we despisers of authority [2 Pet 2:10B] herein, no more than they were, who in subjection to that power ordained of God [Rom 13:1], suffered by the wills of men....

IP1: 330f (1660): Object. It is noted as a brand and reproach of false teachers that they despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities, 2 Pet 2:10 and Jude ver. 8. Now it is well known that the practice of Quakers is but too like those false teachers, &c. [Penington’s answer takes up the next page. Excerpt under Rev 13:6f]


2:11 Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord [GB: give not railing judgment... T: receive not of the lord railing judgment against them]     qtext

[cf Jude 1:9]

2:12 But these, as natural [BT omit] brute beasts, made [GB: led with sensuality and made; T: naturally made] to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not [G: those things which they know not; T: that they know not]; and shall utterly [GBT omit] perish in their own corruption [T: destruction];

[cf Jude 1:10]

2:13 And shall receive the reward [G: wages] of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time [G: daily to live deliciously; B,T: to live deliciously for a season]. Spots they are and blemishes [GB: blots; T: filthiness], sporting themselves with their own deceivings [GB: delighting themselves in their deceivings; T: living at pleasure and in deceivable ways] while they feast [GB: in feasting; T: feasting] with you;     qtext

2:14 Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin [GT: to sin]; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices [B: robbery]; cursed children [G: they are the children of curse; B,T: they are cursed children]:     qtext

2:15 Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages [BT: reward] of unrighteousness;     qtext

2:16 But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass [G: the dumb beast; G: the dumb beast, and used to the yoke; T: the tame and dumb beast] speaking with man's voice forbad the madness [GT: foolishness] of the prophet.     qtext

[2:15f: cf Num 22, Jude 1:11, Rev 2:14]

(2 Pet 2:11) GFJN 31; JN1: 96

; WPR 213

(2 Pet 2:12-22) GF6: 157f

(2 Pet 2:12) MFU 165f; JN1: 111

(2 Pet 2:13-15) EQ 336 (BC)

(2 Pet 2:13) GF4: 199; GF7: 98 [91]; MFS 21, 91; MFU 306; JN1: 85, 229

(2 Pet 2:14-22) EQ 332 (BC)

(2 Pet 2:14) GF4: 140; GF7: 36 [29], 145 [154]; GF8: 244 [290]; GFT 25; JN2: 199; IP3: 187

(2 Pet 2:14f) JN1: 22, 224, 249, 386; RBA 289; RBAF 204, 233, 238

(2 Pet 2:15) GFJN 3; GF3: 51, 69, 533, 534; GF4: 23, 235, 248, 310; GF6: 259, 475; GF7: 33 [25], 46f [38]; 99 [91], 269f [240]; GF8: 59f [308], 145 [347], 176 [361], 281f [401]; GFEJ 30; GF6: 314; MFS 21; JN1: 83, 96, 112, 163; JN2: 588; RBAF 237; HPS 48; 374f (EB)

(2 Pet 2:15f) GF6: 454, 459


(2 Pet 2:11)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 2:11: GFJN 31 (Rom 5:14)]

JN1:96 (1653): Now do not say this is railing or false accusing [2 Pet 2:11]

(2 Pet 2:13)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 2:13: MFU 306 (under Jas 4:9)]

GF7: 98 (1655): sport themselves in the daytime [2 Pet 2:13]

MFS 91 (1656): you shall receive the reward of unrighteousness as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time [2 Pet 2:13]

JN1: 85 (1653): sporting in the daytime, feasting, rioting [2 Pet 2:13]

(2 Pet 2:14)

GF7: 36 (1653): all such deceivers are denied, who take the scripture words, and make a cloak of them for covetous practices [2 Pet 2:14]

GF8: 244 (1683): co-workers with the serpent to beguile the unstable minds [2 Pet 2:14]

JN2: 199 (1655): who are proud and covetous, cannot cease from sin, have hearts exercised in wicked practices [2 Pet 2:14] after Cain and Balaam [Jude 1:11]

(2 Pet 2:14f)

JN1:249 (1654): Peter bears witness against such as had hearts exercised with covetous practices, that could not cease from sin, [2 Pet 2:14], that with feigned words made merchandise of the people [2 Pet 2:3], who had forsaken the right way and run greedily after the way of Balaam, who loved the wages of unrighteousness [2 Pet 2:15/Jude 1:11], who promise liberty to others, but they themselves are servants to corruption [2 Pet 2:19].

(2 Pet 2:15)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 2:15: GF3:534 (under Jas 2:1), JN1:163 (Jude 1:11)]

GF7: 33 (1653): And ye that turn from the spirit, Balaam is your way. [2 Pet 2:15]

HPS 48 (Sarah Blackborrow, 1658): it had been much better for you [hireling ministers] that you had laboured with your hands, doing the things which is honest, then to have coveted the wages of unrighteousness [2 Pet 2:15], or been fed with the bread of deceit [Prov 20:17]

(2 Pet 2:15f)

GF6: 454 (168-?): But have the priests, either Papists or Protestants, come so far as Cain or Balaam? For these heard God's voice, and Balaam went astray, and forsook the right way, and loved the wages of unrighteousness, but Balaam's ass rebuked him for his iniquity, and forbade the madness of him. [2 Pet 2:15f]


2:17 These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness [G: black darkness] is reserved for ever.     qtext

[cf Jude 1:12f (often confl); mist of darkness: cf Acts 13:11]

2:18 For when they speak [G: in speaking; BT: when they have spoken;] great [GT; omit] swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness [GT: beguile with wantonness through the lusts of the flesh; B: entice through lusts in the voluptuousness of the flesh], those that were clean [AV note: or, for a little, or, a while, as some read] escaped from them who live in error [GB: from them which are wrapped in error; T: but now are wrapped in errors].     qtext

[cf Jude 1:16]

2:19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants [BT: bond servants] of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of [G: even unto; B: unto] the same is he brought [GT omit] in bondage.     qtext

2:20 For if after they have escaped the pollutions [GBT: filthiness] of the world through the knowledge [G: acknowledging] of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein [GBT: yet tangled again therein] , and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.     qtext

2:21 For it had been better for them not to have known [G: acknowledged (2x)] the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered [GT: given; B: that was given] unto them.     qtext

2:22 But it [B: the same] is happened [G: come] unto them according to [B: that is used to be spoken by] the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her [B: is turned again to her] wallowing in the mire.     qtext

[cf Prov 26:11; may be confl w Mat 7:6]

(2 Pet 2:17) GFJN 31, 121; GF3: 524, 529; GF4: 37; GF5: 384; GF6: 250, 330, 431; GF7: 22 [13], 76 [63], 88 [79], 92 [81]; GF8: 145 [347], 165 [358], 228 [382], 232 [384], 244 [390], 292 [406]; GFEJ 373; IP1: 299, 302; IP2: 420, 431; IP3: 141; HPS 496

(2 Pet 2:17f) HPS 375 (EB)

(2 Pet 2:18) GF5:51; GF6: 330; GF7: 60 [47], 98 [91], 152 [161],176 [187]; GF8: 176 [361], 244 [390]; MFU 357; JN1: 60, 121; JN3: 56f; WPR 128 [cf Jude 1:16]

(2 Pet 2:18f) GFJN 17; GF4: 129; GF6: 259; MFS 89

(2 Pet 2:19) GF3: 158, 218, 241, 359; GF4: 199 GF4:198f; GF5: 4; GF6: 250; GF7:44 [37], 156 [168], 268 [240], 273 [244]; GF8: 139 [343], 187 [362]; EQ 511(GF); JN1: 249; JN2: 319

(2 Pet 2:19f) GF6: 431

(2 Pet 2:20-22) MFU 25; JN2: 92 ; HPS 375 (EB), 456 (MF)

(2 Pet 2:20) GF3: 54, 218, 287, 412; GF5: 123; GF7: 28 [20], 56, 57 [45], 60 [47], 214 [214]; GF8: 282 [401]; JN1:161; JN2: 68, 568, 603; JN3: 53, 251; 692 (RR); TEM 18; RBA 109; RBAF 81; HPS 383 (EB), 458 (MF), 483; WPR 116, 616; WPT 289; JWJM 30

(2 Pet 2:20f) GF7: 210f [211]; DFR 92

(2 Pet 2:22) GFJN 59; GF3: 54, 336f, 466; GF4: 35, 314; GF6: 431; GF7: 238 [223], 312 [260]; GF8:187 [362], 246 [390], 281 [401]; JN1: 389; EQ 127; HPS 265f, 305


(2 Pet 2:17)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 2:17: GF7:88 (Mat 21:19), GF8:232, IP3:141 (Jude 1:12)]

GF6: 330 (1685): wells without the water of life [2 Pet 2:17 confl w Rev 22:1]

GF7: 92 (1655): And live in the power of God, and of life, that ye may see over the day of tempest, over the day of blackness, and darkness, and mists [2 Pet 2:17 confl w Jude 1:13]

HPS 496 (Anne Whitehead and Mary Elson, 1680): For the Kingdom of our God and his Christ...shall prevail through all Clouds of opposition, and Mists of thick Darkness [2 Pet 2:17] ...

(2 Pet 2:18)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 2:18: GF7: 98 (Rev 10:3), GF7:152 (under Mat 13:22), GF8:176 (2 Pet 2:4-6)]

GF8: 244 (1653): high swelling words of vanity [2 Pet 2:18]

WPR 128 (1672): ...that so thou mayst be as a spiritual candle in thy place, giving light in the life of righteousness that is among the carnal and historical Christians there away (who talk of Christ in swelling words of vanity [2 Pet 2:18], but leave the Cross behind)

(2 Pet 2:19)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 2:19: GF4:199 (under Luk 16:19-31), GF7:268 (1 Jn 2:18), JN1:249 (2 Pet 2:14f)]

GF3: 218 (1659): have kept people under the bondage of corruption [2 Pet 1:19]

GF8: 139 (1676): And all such as preach liberty, and themselves were servants of corruption, were, and are still denied. [2 Pet 2:19]

(2 Pet 2:20-22)

MFU 25, HPS 456 (1653): The Lord keep all Friends in savoriness, to discern the voice of a stranger from the voice of our Lord Jesus Christ [John 10:4f], that they may be kept cleane from the pollutions of the world [Jas 1:27/2 Pet 2:20], and out of the mire and clay [1 Pet 2:22] (up to God who is pure)....

(2 Pet 2:20)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 2:20: GF7:28 (under Mat 7:13), GF7:56 (Mat 26:41), JN2:68 (2 Pet 2:1), TEM 18 (John 1:5)]

GF7: 57 (1653): yet disobeying that, which should have led thee into the kingdom of God, and from under the dominion of satan, thy latter end will be worse than thy beginning [2 Pet 2:20].

GF7: 60 (1653): deceiving the simple ... who are not yet above the pollution of the world [2 Pet 2:20]

MFU 25, HPS 458 (1653): that they may be kept clean from the pollutions of the world [2 Jas 1:27/Pet 2:20]

HPS 483 (Mary Waite, 1679): O this will be a terrible day [Joel 2:31] indeed, unto all those that have had a form of Godliness, but denied the power [2 Tim 3:5], that would have saved them out of all defilements and pollutions of this world. [2 Pet 2:20]

JWJM 30 (17--): I had experienced the love of God through Jesus Christ to redeem me from many pollutions [2 Pet 2:20]

(2 Pet 2:20f)

GF7:210f (1661): All ye that have known the way of truth, and tasted of the power of the same, and now turn back into the world's fashions and customs.... Ye had better never have known the way of light, life, and power... [2 Pet 2:20f; see also under Heb 12:17]

DFR 92 (17--): The apostle tells us that, it had been better for us not to have known the way of righteousness, than after we had known it to turn from the holy commandment. [2 Pet 2:20f]

(2 Pet 2:22)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 2:22: GF3:336 (Luk 15:16)]

GF8:187 (1679): Such were like the dog and the sow, biting, and rending, and vomiting, and wallowing in the mire [2 Pet 2:22 confl w Mat 7:6]

GF8:246 (1693): And you may see how the church of Christ was troubled by such as went out from them,and fell away from truth, and inwardly ravened. Some went like unto the swine into the mire; and some like the dogs to the vomit [2 Pet 2:22]; and some like wolves that inwardly ravened, and yet kept the sheep's clothing. [Mat 7:15]

JN1:389 (1683): Was it railing...for the apostles and saints to call them "dogs, and swine," who loved their sins and filthiness and could not be kept from returning into it again? [2 Pet 2:22]

EQ 127 (Marmaduke Stephenson, 1659): ...many have had a true taste of the love of God and of the Powers of the World to come [Heb 6:5], but they are gone from it again and are turned aside into the crooked path, like the dog to his vomit and like the sow that was washed into the mire again [2 Pet 2:22], where they are defiled with the flesh-pots of Egypt, which they lusted after [Exo 16:3].


3:1 This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance [GBT: wherewith I stir up and warn your pure minds]:     qtext

3:2 That ye may be mindful of [GT: to call to remembrance; B: by putting you in remembrance, that ye may be mindful of] the words which were spoken before by [GBT: told before of] the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:

3:3 Knowing this first [GBT: This first understand], that there shall come in the last days scoffers [GBT: mockers], walking after their own lusts,     qtext

3:4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep [GBT: died], all things continue as they were from [GB: alike from; T: in the same estate wherein they were at] the beginning of the creation [T omits].     qtext

3:5 For this they willingly are ignorant of [G: willingly know not; B: know not (and that wilfully); T: know not (and that willingly)], that by the word of God [GBT: (move to end of verse)] the heavens were of old [T: a great while ago were], and the earth standing out of the water and in the water [GB: that was of the water and by the water; T: that was in the water appeared up out of the water]:

3:6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished [GT: perished, overflowed with the water; B: perished, being then overrun with water]:     qtext

3:7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition [G: condemnation, and of the destruction] of ungodly men.     qtext

(2 Pet 3:1) GF2: 335; GF3: 249; GF8: 32 [283], 291 [404]; MFU 19; HPS 389 (EB)

(2 Pet 3:3f) MFU 103; IP4: 221

(2 Pet 3:5-7) GF4: 91

(2 Pet 3:6f) GF5: 324

(2 Pet 3:7) GF8: 135 [342]; EQ 348 (BC)


(2 Pet 3:1)

GF8: 291 (1685): stir up the pure mind in one another [2 Pet 3:1]

(2 Pet 3:3f)

MFU 103 (1654): Read 2 Peter 3:3,4 and see if you and they, are not found those Scoffers, walking after your Lusts, saying, where is the promise of his coming. [2 Pet 3:3f]

IP4: 221 (1671): It was said of old, by mockers and scoffers, Where is the promise of his coming? For all things continue as they were from the beginning. [2 Pet 3:3f] The same spirit will say so still; and yet to that eye which the Lord hath opened, he is already come inwardly, spiritually, in his own pure eternal life and power....

(2 Pet 3:6f)

GF5: 324 (1676): So be not ignorant of this one thing, "that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day:" [2 Pet 3:8] and therefore as the Lord destroyed the old ungodly world by water, so will he destroy the ungodly world in the lake of fire [2 Pet 3:6f, Rev 20:15] .

(2 Pet 3:7)

GF8:135 (1676): wrath...by which God will destroy the wicked world, which is reserved in store by the same word unto fire, against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men [2 Pet 3:7]


3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.     qtext

3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise [G: of that promise is not slack; B: that hath promised, is not slack; T; is not slack to fulfil his promise], as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, [G: patient toward us; BT: patient to usward] not willing that any should perish [G: would have no man to perish; BT: would have no man lost], but that all should come [G: would all men to come; B: will receive all men; T: would receive all men] to repentance.     qtext

3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise [GB: pass away with a noise; T: perish with terrible noise], and the elements shall melt with fervent heat [GBT: heat], the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.     qtext

3:11 Seeing then that [G: Seeing therefore that; T: If] all these things shall be dissolved [BT: perish], what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,     qtext

[holy conversation: cf 1 Pet 1:15, Phil 1:27]

3:12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved [T: shall perish with fire], and the elements shall melt [T: be consumed] with fervent heat [GBT: heat]?     qtext

3:13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens [BT: a new heaven] and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.     qtext

[3:13: cf Isa 65:17, Rev 21:1]

(2 Pet 3:8-10) GF5: 123

(2 Pet 3:8) GF5: 324

(2 Pet 3:9) GF5: 324; IP3: 293; RBA 101, 108, 131, 134; RBAF 76, 80, 97; EQ 322 (BC); HPS 362 (EB); WPR 501

(2 Pet 3:10-13) IP1: 193; IP4:145f

(2 Pet 3:10-12) HPS 132, 137, 138, 180

(2 Pet 3:10) MFU 86; HPS 180, 333; WPR 36, 121

(2 Pet 3:11) HPS 485; WPR 72, 92

(2 Pet 3:12) GF4: 124

(2 Pet 3:12f) IP2: 154

(2 Pet 3:13) GF7: 238 [223], 321 [262]; GF8: 56 [306], 303 [410]; LB (H17); JN1 291, 292; JN3: 61; IP3: 391, 465; IP4 85, 116, 405, 419; HPS 294; 386 (EB); WPR 298; WPT 315


(2 Pet 3:8)

GF5: 324 (1676): [2 Pet 3:8, see under 2 Pet 3:6f]

(2 Pet 3:9)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 3:9: RBA 133f (under 2 Pet 3:15)]

RBA 131 (1678, V/VI.18): ..we truly affirm that God willeth no man to perish [2 Pet 3:9], and therefore hath given to all, grace sufficient for salvation [2 Cor 12:9]

(2 Pet 3:10-13)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 3:10-13: IP1:193 (Rev 11:12]

(2 Pet 3:10-12)

HPS 132 (Esther Biddle, 1662): the Elements shall pass away with a great noise, the Earth shall be dissolved, and all things therein shall mourn [2 Pet 3:10-12 confl w Amos 9:5]

HPS 138 (Dorothy White, 1662): the Day is coming wherein the Heavens shall be set on fire, and the Elements shall melt with fervent heat... [2 Pet 3: 10-12]

(2 Pet 3:10)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 3:10: MFU 86 (Rev 16:1), HPS 180 (Mat 24:29f), WPR 36 (Heb 1:3)]

(2 Pet 3:11)

HPS 485 (Mary Waite, 1679): let your light shine forth before men [Mat 5:16]... so that by your godly life and holy conversation [2 Pet 3:11] many may enquire the way to Sion [Jer 50:5].

(2 Pet 3:12f)

IP2: 154 (1661): Who would strive to keep the old heavens and the old earth standing, which must be dissolved before the new heavens and the new earth (wherein dwells righteousness) can be formed and brought forth? [2 Pet 3:12f]

(2 Pet 3:13)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 3:13: JN1 291 (under Rev 20:5f), HPS 294 (Gen 1:4), HPS 386 (Rev 21:1)]

GF7: 321 (1668): And these know the new life, which God is served in [Rom 6:4/7:6]; and these know the new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness [2 Pet 3:13]; and these know the old earth, wherein dwelleth unrighteousness. And these can bring forth things new and old.

WPT 315 (1696, Mod Eng): Christ came so that all things may become new [Rev 21:5] – new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells [2 Pet 3:13].


3:14 Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless [BT: undefiled].

3:15 And account [GBT: suppose] that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved [BT: dearly beloved] brother Paul also [GT omit] hath written [GT: wrote] unto you;     qtext

3:16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things [G: As one, that in all his Epistles speaketh of these things; BT: Yea almost in every epistle speaking of such things]; in which are some [BT: many] things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest [BT: pervert] , as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.     qtext

3:17 Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before [B: be warned aforehand; T: know it from before], beware lest ye also, being led away with [G,T: be also plucked away with; B: with other men be also plucked away through] the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.

3:18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.     qtext

(2 Pet 3:14-16) IP4: 145-8

(2 Pet 3:15-18) GF4: 105

(2 Pet 3:15) MFU 296; IP4: 186; RBA 133f; RBAF 97

(2 Pet 3:15f) WPT 240

(2 Pet 3:16) GF3: 82, 297f. 532; GF7: 267 [240]; JN1: 126, 127, 130, 136, 179, 276, 288, 381, 492, 501, 520; JN2: 13, 14, 41, 48, 65, 68, 85, 172, 176, 200, 244, 253f, 302, 316, 318, 438, 451f, 456, 461, 537, 554; JN3: 5, 40, 46, 107, 116, 131, 397, 405, 406, 408, 439, 441; IP1: 34, 257f, 352; IP3: 167, 219; IP4: 26, 130, 147, 196, 264; RBA 77; RBAF 59, 97; EQ 317 (BC); HPS 319; WPR 613; WPT 282

(2 Pet 3:17) EQ 332 (BC); HPS 375 (EB)

(2 Pet 3:18) GF8: 298[409]; MFU 348, 458; JN1: 50; JN2: 267 (RS); EQ 562; HPS 487; WPR 87; WTG 304 (AM)


(2 Pet 3:14-16)

IP4: 145-8 (1671): mini-commentary on 3:14-16

(2 Pet 3:15)

RBA 133f (1678, V/VI.19): [Peter] saith expressly that "the long-suffering of God is to be accounted salvation " [2 Pet 3:15]; and with this "long suffering," a little before, in the 9th verse, he couples "that God is not willing that any should perish."

(2 Pet 3:15f)

WPT 240 (1674, Mod Eng): What is most plain is that the scriptures are not plain, except to the spriritual person. On the contrary, as Peter said of Paul's writings, they are hard to understand [2 Pet 3:15f]. A rule must be exact, plain, and easily understood – and the scriptures are not.

(2 Pet 3:16)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 3:16: JN1:127 (Heb 4:12), JN2:456 (Luk 24:45), IP1:257 (Mat 6:22), IP3:219 (Rom 1:25), IP4:147 (Rev 22:18f), IP4:196 (Heb 12:28), IP4:263f (Mat 11:19a)

GF7: 267 (1664): mark, now, if it be so, according to this interpretation, (which is wresting) [2 Pet 3:16]

JN1: 126 (1653): the word, which is nigh in the heart and in the mouth [Rom 10:8]...doth not oppose itself but is one with Scripture, as all they are who walk in it; only it opposeth all the twinings and wresting of the serpent whereby he would wrest the Scripture to deceive with [2 Pet 3:16].

JN1: 492 (1655): And thus you bring Paul to oppose the commands of Christ, and one scripture to cross another; and yet would not be counted wresters of scriptures [2 Pet 3:16], nor opposers of Christ.

JN2: 85 (1655): thou...hast not the spirit of judgment [Isa 4:4] to judge of light and darkness, but art unlearned and so wrests our writings to thy own destruction [2 Pet 3:16], as such thou always did the writings of the saints

JN2: 438 (1655): all that read thy book may see scarce one Scripture thou hast meddled with which thou hast not sought to wrest [2 Pet 3:16], and art not ashamed to accuse me for abusing the Scriptures, who have but quoted the plain words, without meanings at all.

IP4: 147 (1671): many learn what they can of the things of God and Christ, without having hearts and ears opened by the Lord, and without the true key of knowledge [Luke 11:52/Rev 3:7]; and so those remain unlearned and unstable [2 Pet 3:16] as to the mystery of godliness [1 Tim 3:16].... [another quote under Rev 22:18f]

RBA 77 (1678, III.5): the apostle Peter plainly declarers, that the "unstable and unlearned wrest them to their own destruction" [2 Pet 3:16]: these were they that were unlearned in the divine and heavenly learning of the Spirit, not in human and school literature;

HPS 319 (Rebecca Travers, 1669): who resist the Light, that gave forth the Scriptures, doth pervert the Scriptures to their own destruction [2 Pet 3:16 BT]

(2 Pet 3:17)

[Other texts citing 2 Pet 3:17: HPS 375 (Mat 24:13)]

(2 Pet 3:18)

GF8: 298 (1686): walk in the light of Christ, and grow in his grace, and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ [2 Pet 3:18]

JN2: 267 (Richard Salle, 1655): thus saith the Lord.... you shall grow up in the knowledge of me, as calves of the stall [2 Pet 3:18 confl w Mal 4:2]

WTG 304 (Ann Moore, 1758): Thus he is pleased in mercy to send his pastors to his tender lambs in the wilderness to feed them [John 21:15] that they may grow in grace and in the knowledge of God [2 Pet 3:18] and be saved.

This page last revised Sept 2007