12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud [T: multitude] of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight [GBT: cast away every thing (BT: lay away all) that presseth down], and the sin which doth so easily beset us [that hangeth so fast (T omits) on], and let us run with patience the race [BT: unto the battle] that is set before us,     qtext

12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author [B: captain] and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured [T: abode] the cross, despising [GT: and despised] the shame, and is set down at [G: at; BT: down on] the right hand of the throne of God.     qtext

(Heb 12) IP1: 316

(Heb 12:1) GF3: 213; GF4: 46; GF7: 208 [208], 244 [230], 256 [234], 259 [239], 273 [242]; GF8: 63 [311], 83 [317], 130 [339], 142 [345], 143 [346]; LB (F69, D18); MFU 339; JN1: 103, 112; 217, 219 (GF); 268 (JWh); 395, 397, 398 (JA); JN3: 5, 99; WDS 292; EQ 81; 96 (WD), 520 (BR), 549; HPS 375 (EB), 520; WPR 217, 338, 640; SBD 46 [may be confl w 1 Cor 9:24f]

(Heb 12:1f) GF5: 118, 192; GF6: 386; WPR 72, 146

(Heb 12:2) GFJN 17, 28, 32, 155, 318, 351, 604; GF3: 38, 69,70, 88, 101, 111, 144, 187, 221, 242, 279, 457, 476. etc; GF4: 345, 361; GF5: 54, 213, 224, 234, 320, 448, 450; GF6: 14, 35, 415, 442; GF7: 119 [124], 142 [149], 160 [171],243, 244 [230], 322 [262]; GF8: 16 [270], 56 [306], 73 [314], 76 [316], 79,80 [117], 124 [333], 133,134,135 [342], 135 [343], 142 [344], 150 [352], 163 [356], 178,179,83 [361], 189,90 [363], 204,8,9 [372], 218 [378], 228 [382], 237 [389], 251 [393], 270 [398]; GFEJ 37, 265; GFT 60, 67, 81, 112, 217, 228; DGA 123; MFU 191; JN1: 125, 313; JN2: 191; 92, 106, 310, 435, 444, 454; IP3: 105, 523; IP4: 210; IPL 9; HPS 300; 412, 421 (EB); WPR 73, 137, 141, 145, 205; WPT 224

(Heb 12:2f) GF7: 55 [45]; WPR 168


(Heb 12:1)

[Other texts citing Heb 12:1: WPR 640 (under Jas 1:4)]

GF3:213 (1659): And all who own the word of God, that reconciles to the Father [2 Cor 5:19], that hammers down, and brings out of the fall, and cuts down and burns up [Jer 23:29/Heb 4:12], must know their salvation wrought out with fear and trembling [Phil 2:12]. And these own the word of God, and the words of God, the scriptures: and these own this trembling: there is a cloud of witnesses in the scriptures [Heb 12:1].

GF7:208 (1661): For patience obtains the crown which is immortal, which runs the race [Heb 12:1/1 Cor 9:24f]

GF7:244 (1663): no running the true race [Heb 12:1] in the straight way [Jer 31:9] to get to the glorious crown [1 Pet 5:4], but with patience [Heb 12:1];

MFU 339 (1661): O let patience possess your souls [Luke 21:19] that thereby you may run the race that is set before you [Heb 12:1]....

HPS 520 (Theophila Townsend, 1676): the true desire of my soul is, that those concerned may lay it to heart, and be bowed down, and cast off that which causeth the weights [Heb 12:1], and brings the heavy burthens upon the honest hearted, and grieves the Holy Spirit of the Lord [Eph 4:30], which is the sin that so easily besets [Heb 12:1], to wit Pride....

EQ 520 (Robert Barclay, 1674): Is there not a cloud of witnesses [Heb 12:1], who felt the Enemy thus reasoning to keep us in the forms, fellowships, false worships and foolish fashions of this world? But we felt as we were obedient, all these things to be for condemnation....

(Heb 12:1f)

GF5:118 (1675): "Wherefore let us also, seeing we are compassed about with such a great cloud of witnesses, cast away everything that presseth down, and the sin that hangeth so fast on [Heb 12:1G]," [mark,] cast off the sin, not plead for sin and the body of death, during life, but let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith:" [mark,] he is the author and finisher; so it is no true faith, which he hath not been the author of, and this is the faith which worketh by love [Gal 5:6; quotes rest of Heb 12:2G].

GF6:386 (1689): The apostle saith to the church of Christ, the Hebrews, "let us run with patience the race that is set before us; looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith:" (Heb 12:1f). Now here you may see the apostles did not make the saints a faith, but bid them look unto Jesus, who was the author, or beginner and finisher of their holy and precious faith; the mystery of which is held in a pure conscience [1 Tim 3:9]. And so Christ doth reveal his faith to his people; and so they grow in faith, from faith to faith [Rom 1:17] up to Christ, the author and finisher of it.

(Heb 12:2)

[Other texts citing Heb 12:2: GF3:221 (John 5:22), GF5:448 (1 Pet 1:9), GF7:243 (John 6:29), GF7:244 (John 8:14), GF8:76 (Mat 13:47f), GF8:134 ([1] Heb 11:3, [2] John 5:24), GF8:163 (Heb 6:12), GF8:218 (Heb 10:38), GF8:179 (1 Jn 5:4), WPR 137 (John 1:39)]

GF frequently uses "Christ the author and finisher of our faith" – or " faith that Christ is the author of" [Heb 12:2], often in conjunction with other quotes on faith. See, e.g. GF8:134 (under Heb 11:3), GF8:163 (under Heb 6:12), GF8: 218 (under Heb 10:38).

GF3:70 (1659): Again they say, "The scriptures are the means of faith." And so have thrown out Christ the author of it [Heb 12:2], and God the giver [Eph 2:8]; and the scripture is but the declaration of the saints' faith, and it saith men had faith before scripture was, as for instance, Abraham and Enoch [Heb 11:8f,5].

GF3:242 (1659): Could the apostle preach Christ until he was revealed in him [Gal 1:16], who is the author of every man's faith [Heb 12:2]?

GF7:322 (1668): And the true faith hath been lost since the apostles' days; ... which faith is the gift of God [Eph 2:8], and Christ is the author of it: every one look unto him for it, for the finishing of it [Heb 12:2], who is the author of it.

IP3:523 (1677): Oh! wait to be taught and enabled by God to fetch right steps in thy travels, and to take up the cross and despise the shame [Heb 12:2] in every thing, wherein that wisdom, will, and mind, which is to be crucified, would be judge; for it will judge amiss and lead aside, if it be hearkened to by thee.

IP4:210 (1671): Is not Christ the author of faith, the finisher of faith [Heb 12:2]; and doth not he carry on the work of faith with power [2 Th 1:11]?

HPS 421 (Elizabeth Bathurst, 1679): ...this faith, but which I am united to [the Quakers], is more than a mere natural credential, that stands in the bare assent to the truth of a proposition, as propounded by man; for it is founded and grounded upon Christ Jesus, who was the author, and I trust, will be the finisher of the same [Heb 12:2].

WPR 140f (1695): Yea, the Lord Jesus himself cried out in the agony of the cross, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me [Mat 27:46]. Nevertheless he gloriously triumphed over all, and led captivity captive [Psa 68:18], for the joy that was set before him [Heb 12:2]. Which joy is before you; it is the mark of the price of your great and holy calling [2 Tim 1:9].

WPR 145 (1695): Yea, though the powers of the earth should combine to devour you, let not your hearts be troubled [John 14:27]. Shun not the cross, but despise the shame [Heb 12:2], and cast your care upon the Lord [1 Pet 5:7], who will be afflicted with you in all your afflictions [Isa 63:9]. In the fire he will be with you [Dan 3:25], and in the water he will not forsake you.


12:3 For consider [GBT: Consider therefore] him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself [GBT: speaking against (BT: +him) of sinners], lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.     qtext

12:4 Ye have not yet resisted unto blood [T: +shedding], striving against sin.     qtext

12:5 And ye have forgotten the exhortation [GT: consolation] which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor [GBT: neither] faint when thou art rebuked of him:     qtext

12:6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and [G: and he; T: +yea and he] scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.     qtext

12:7 If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with [GBT: offereth himself unto you (B omits) as unto] sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?

12:8 But if ye be without chastisement [G: without correction; T: not under correction], whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.

(Heb 12:3) GF3: 516; GF5: 214; GF7: 56 [45]; GF8: 182 [361]; SBD 7; WTG 68 (SM)

(Heb 12:3f) IP1: 341

(Heb 12:4) JN2: 599; JN3: 226

(Heb 12:5-7) IP3: 463

(Heb 12:5f) IP3: 485

(Heb 12:6) MFU 306; WPR 141


(Heb 12:3)

[Other texts citing Heb 12:3: GF7:56 (Mat 26:67f]

GF8:182 (1679): Did not he suffer the contradiction of sinners [Heb 12:3], who died for sinners [Rom 5:8], and went into the grave for sinners, and died for the ungodly [Rom 5:6], yea, tasted death for every man [Heb 2:9], who through death destroyed death, and the devil, the power of death [Heb 2:14], and is risen?

WTG 68 (Susanna Morris, 1745): ... had not the Lord, as well as his people, been kind to us we might have fainted in our minds [Heb 12:3].

SBD 7 (1750): ...we must live a life of faith, wholly depending on him that will (if we faint not in our minds [Heb 12:3]) bring us through to the heavenly Canaan.

(Heb 12:3f)

IP1:341 (1660): And the same apostle who commended the Hebrews, as having done well in bearing the great fight of afflictions [Heb 10:32], encouraged them to go on still, and not to be "weary or faint in their minds, but resist even to blood," eying Christ, who endured the contradiction of sinners to the very last. Heb 12:3-4.

(Heb 12:4)

JN2:599 (1655): And all the saints who hath ever denied respect of persons & worshipping the creature [Rom 1:25], & being tempted to it have resisted it unto blood [Heb 12:4], which thou condemns for the worst kind of idolatry.

(Heb 12:5f)

IP3:485 (1671): And take care of that spirit which hateth reproof; for the reproofs of instruction are the ways of life [Prov 6:23], and whom the Lord loves, he rebukes and chastens [Heb 12:5f].

(Heb 12:6)

MFU 306 (1660): Truly I stand admiring to see the infinite goodness of God unto you, how he deals with you, even as if he intended to do you good: for he chasteneth every one whom he loveth [Heb 12:6]; and the way to him is through trials and tribulations; the Lord grant that this may not be in vain to you.


12:9 Furthermore we have had [T: seeing we had] fathers of our flesh [G: the fathers of our bodies] which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and [GT: that we might] live?     qtext

12:10 For they verily for a few days chastened [T: nurtured] us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit [G: chasteneth us for our profit; T: learneth us unto that which is profitable], that we might be partakers [T: receive] of his holiness.     qtext

12:11 Now no [T: +manner] chastening [GBT: chastising] for the present [T: +time] seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless [G: but] afterward it yieldeth the peaceable [GBT: bringeth the quiet] fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.

12:12 Wherefore lift up [B: Straighten up therefore; T: Stretch forth therefore again] the [G: your] hands which hang [BT: were let] down, and the [G: your] feeble [GBT: weak] knees;     qtext

12:13 And make [T: see that ye have] straight paths for [GBT: straight (B: right) steps unto] your feet, lest that which is lame [GBT: that which is (T: any) halting] be turned [B: turn you; T: turn] out of the way; but let it rather be healed.     qtext

[Heb 12:13 cf Prov 4:26 LXX]

(Heb 12:9) GFJN 35, 175, 263; GF3: 256, 258, 273; GF4: 49, 72, 223, 283; GF7: 35 [27], 53 [43], 64 [48], 65 [49], 130 [132], 131 [135], 147 [155], 161 [171], 169 [178], 220 [217]; GF8: 188 [363]; GFT 9; MFU 277; JN2: 542; EQ 110 (JN); IPL 12, 49, 67; IP2: 75, 450; IP3: 108, 248, 261, 385, 423, 535; IP4: 225; WPR 583, 611, WPT 274f

(Heb 12:10) IP3: 43, 207, 303

(Heb 12:10f) GF6: 427

(Heb 12:12) WTG 365 (AM); SIW 89

(Heb 12:13) IP3: 511; WPR 73


(Heb 12:9)

Heb 12:9: GF and others frequently use phrase "Father of spirits"

[Other texts citing Heb 12:9: GFJN 35 (John 14:6), GF7:35 (under Mat 13:26)]

GF3:273 (1659): So men's will getting the scriptures, which no prophecy of it came by [2 Pet 1:21], they cannot worship God in the truth, nor in the spirit [John 4:23f], but in their own wills. But who are in the spirit and truth, that led them to speak forth the scriptures, that learned of God the Father of spirits [Heb 12:9], and God of all truth, this is not will-worship [Col 2:23].

IP3:248 (1672): For God, who is a Spirit [John 4:24] (and the Father of spirits [Heb 12:9]), is nigh to every spirit. Every spirit depends upon him, the fountain of spirits; and hath its being, life, and motion from him, and in him, after a sense [Acts 17:28]; though not after such a sense, as they who are quickened by him experience.

WPR 611, WPT 275 (1696): God the Father of Lights and Spirits [Jas 1:17/Heb 12:9]

(Heb 12:10)

[Other texts citing Heb 12:10: IP3:43 (John 17:21- 23), IP3:303 (2 Pet 1:4)]

(Heb 12:12)

WTG 365 (Ann Moore, 1775): In these meetings I felt the seed very low yet the Lord in his mercy was pleased to open to us renewedly the way of life eternal ... for the renewing of the strength [Isa 40:31] of his people whose hands were ready to hang down [Heb 12:12]....

(Heb 12:13)

IP3:511 (1675): Take heed of dallying any longer. Make straight paths to your feet, lest that which is crooked (your feet have hitherto been too winding and crooked) be turned out of the way; but it is the desire of my soul for you, that they may rather be rectified and healed [Heb 12:13].


12:14 Follow [T: Embrace] peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:     qtext

(Heb 12:14) GF3: 94, 198, 375; GF4: 253, 341; GF5: 4, 118; GF6: 15; GF7: 35 [27], 43 [37], 149 [157], 193 [200], 200 [204], 205 [206], 252 [232], 275 [245], 282 [246], 296 [249], 307 [254]; GF8: 30 [281], 39 [290], 195 [367], 294 [407]; GFEJ 28; GFT 26, 31, 33; MFU 37, 97, 310; JN1: 16 (GF), 166; JN2: 74, 220; WDS 294; IP1: 58; EQ 101 (WD), 255 (GF); HPS 133, 304; 459 (MF); RBA 185, 195, 384; RBAF 142, 149, 338; WPR 32, 239, 295, 310, 513; WPT 53, 126, 170, 264; DFR 90


(Heb 12:14)

[Other texts citing Heb 12:14: GF7:43 (Heb 3:1), GF7:149 (1 Pet 1:15), IP1:58 (Luk 11:52), RBA 195 (John 13:17), HPS 133 (Mat 5:8), WPT 263f (Heb 11:6)]

GF4:341 (1668): And to the christians in primitive times, the apostles' doctrine was that they were not to avenge themselves ..., "for vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, and I will repay it" [Rom 12:19]; and so they were to follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man should see the Lord [Heb 12:14; quotes 1 Pet 3:9].

GF7:205 (1661): And we cannot plot; it is impossible we should, standing in that which destroys darkness, and the devil, the power of it [Heb 2:14], who is the author of plots, and the enmity in people's minds, bondaging and bringing the creature into thraldom; which we in the power of God would have all persons from under, and would have no man's person in the whole world hurt; but in the power of God would have all men saved [1 Tim 2:4], and seek all men's peace [Heb 12:14].

JN1:166 (1653): Christ saith, "If you love me, keep my commands [John 14:15]," and those that follow him, he leads them out of all the ways of sin into the ways of purity and holiness; and so he is the way to the Father [John 14:6]. "For without holiness none can ever see God [Heb 12:14], for he is of purer eyes then to behold iniquity [Hab 1:13], neither can any unclean thing come in his sight."

EQ 100f (William Dewsbury, 1655): Now you have time, prize it, in waiting on the Lord in the light, to make your calling and selection sure [2 Pet 1:10], in putting off the old man and his deeds [Col 3:9], and putting on the Lord Jesus Christ [Rom 13:14] in righteousness and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord [Heb 12:14]....

WPT 126 (1674, Mod Eng): ...without faith, no one can please God in any age [Heb 11:6]. Without the holiness that flows from true faith, no one will ever see the Lord [Heb 12:14].

RBA 184f (1678, VII:7): [discussion of etymogies of sanctify and justify] Therefore, as none can be said to be sanctified that are really unholy, while they are such; so neither can any be truly said to be justified, while they actually remain unjust. Only this verb "justify" hath, in a metaphorical and figurative sense, been otherwise taken, to wit, in a law sense.... Now is it not strange that men should be so facile in a matter of so great concernment as to build the stress of their acceptance with God upon a mere borrowed or metaphorical signification, to the excluding or at least esteeming that not necessary, without which the Scripture saith expressly "No man shall ever see God" [Heb 12:14]? For if holiness be requisite and necessary, of which this is said, then must good works also; unless our adversaries can show us a holy man without good works.

DFR 90 (1773): "Without holiness," said the apostle, "no man shall see the Lord [Heb 12:14]." We must, therefore, become holy in all manner of conversation.


12:15 Looking diligently [G: Take heed; B: Taking heed; T: And look to] lest any man fail of [GBT: that no man fall away from (T: be destitute of)] the grace of God; lest any [G: let no; T: and that no] root of bitterness springing up [GT: spring up and] trouble you, and [G: lest] thereby many be defiled;     qtext

12:16 Lest there be any [GB: Let there be no; T: And that there be no] fornicator, or profane [BT: unclean] person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat [G: portion of meat; T: breakfast] sold his birthright.     qtext

12:17 For ye know how that afterward [G: +also], when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected [B: reprobated; T: put by]: for he found no place of repentance [T: and he found no means to come thereby again, no], though he sought it carefully [G: sought that blessing; T: desired it] with tears.     qtext

(Heb 12:15-17) RBAF 84

(Heb 12:15) WDS 64; IP2: 245; IP3: 139; IP4: 6, 165; EQ 332 (BC); HPS 373f (EB)

(Heb 12:16) GF4: 130, 211, 310; GF5: 391, 395; GF6: 475, 486; GF7: 33 [25], 312 [260]; GFT 168; MFU 22; JN1: 157f, 396; JN2: 49, 52, 74; JN3: 135, 392; IP1: 153; IP4: 25

(Heb 12:16f) GF5: 7; GF6: 219; RBA 119; EQ 323 (BC)

(Heb 12:17) GF4: 315; GF7: 211 [211]; JN3: 590 (MS); WTG 186 (EH)


(Heb 12:15)

IP2:245 (1661): There is a state of such union with the life, as the enemy cannot come between; where there is lying down and rising up in the power of life, and no beast of prey can make afraid any more [Ezek 34:28]; nor can any root of bitterness spring up from within, to trouble or make any disturbance [Heb 12:15] between the life and soul any more.

IP3:139 (1668): "Know ye not," saith the apostle, " that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?" 1 Cor 5:6. If but one root of bitterness spring up in a church, it may defile many, and trouble the whole. Heb 12:15.

IP4:5f (167-): Is not the faith which is of God as righteous as the unbelief from the root of bitterness [Heb 12:15] is unrighteous?

HPS 373f (Elizabeth Bathurst, 1679): (concerning the possibility of falling away from true grace) [Quotes Heb 6:4-6] And in [Heb 12:15] he wishes them to look diligently, lest any fail of (or from) the grace of God, lest any root of bitterness springing up should trouble them, and thereby many be defiled.

(Heb 12:16)

[Other texts citing Heb 12:16: GF5:391 ( under Gen 32:28), JN1:157f (Gen 25:27), IP1:153 (Gen 25:27f)]

GF6:475 (168-?): News, news! profane Esau, that man of the field, which despiseth his everlasting birthright [Heb 12:16/Gen 25:27,34], who would have slain Jacob [Gen 27:41], he is become an outward Christian, but he hath not put off his rough garment [Zech 13:4], by that he may be known not to be a sheep of Christ.

GF7:33 (1653): Ye which turn from the light, are in Esau's nature, and choosing the earth, there is profaneness [Heb 12:16]...

MFU 22 (1663): [quotes Heb 12:26f]; but we have received a kingdom that cannot be moved [Heb 12:28] ... of which kingdom thou may be a subject of, if thou turn not thyself out by disobedience, and with Esau sell thy birthright [Heb 12:16].

(Heb 12:16f)

RBA 119 (1678, V/VI:12) That many may outlive this day of God's gracious visitation to them, is shown by the example of Esau (Heb 12:16-17), who sold his birthright, so he had it once, and was capable to have kept it; but afterwards, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected.

(Heb 12:17)

GF4:315 (1662): ...is not the Lord staining your pride [Isa 23:9], and laying your honour in the dust [Psa 7:5]? and it will be well for you if you find a place for repentance [Heb 12:17], and come to see the way of peace [Isa 59:8], and it be not hid from your eyes [Hos 13:14/Luke 19:42/Rom 3:17f]....

GF7:211 (1661): Wo and misery is for you! ye had better never have been born [Mark 14:21], nor known the way of truth [2 Pet 2:21]; whose latter end is worse than the beginning [2 Pet 2:20], when the way of peace is hid from your eyes [Rom 3:17f], and a place of repentance ye cannot find [Heb 12:17], though ye wash your altar with tears [Mal 2:13].

WTG 186 (Elizabeth Hudson, 1749): ...we had a meeting on the19th in which it pleased the Lord to renew his ancient kindness my poor soul, who had sought him with many tears [Heb 12:17]....


12:18 For ye are not come unto the mount that might be [B: is; T: can be] touched, and [G: nor] that burned with [GBT: unto burning] fire, nor unto blackness [B: and unto storm; T: nor yet to mist], and darkness, and tempest [B: tempests; BT: +of weather],     qtext

12:19 And [GT: Neither unto] the sound of a trumpet [BT: trump], and the voice of words; which voice they that heard intreated [G: excused themselves; BT: wished away] that the word [T: communication] should not be spoken to them any more [BT: omit]:

12:20 (For they could not endure [GT: were not able to abide; B: did not abide] that which was commanded [T: spoken], And if so much as [G: Yea, though; BT: If] a beast touch [T: had touched] the mountain, it shall be [T: must have been] stoned, or thrust through with a dart:     qtext

12:21 And [T: Even] so terrible was the sight [GBT: +which appeared], that Moses said, I exceedingly [GBT: omit] fear and quake:)     qtext

12:22 But ye are come unto [GBT: +the] mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly [GBT: celestial] Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of [G: the company of innumerable; T: an innumerable sight of] angels,     qtext

12:23 To the general assembly and church [G: assembly and congregation; T: congregation] of the firstborn [T: +sons], which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect [GBT: and perfect men],     qtext

12:24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant [GT: testament], and to the blood of sprinkling [T: sprinkling of blood], that speaketh better things [BT: omit] than that [T: the blood] of Abel.     qtext

[Heb 12:24 cf Heb 9:14, 10:22; 1 Pet 1:2; 1 Jn 1:7]

(Heb 12:18-22) IP4: 252

(Heb 12:18) GF6: 164

(Heb 12:18f) IP4: 82f

(Heb 12:20) JN2: 240

(Heb 12:21) GF3: 284; GF4: 72; DGA 187; JN1: 187; JN2: 251; HPS 404, 407,416 (EB)

(Heb 12:22-29) IP4: 113

(Heb 12:22-28) GF6: 164

(Heb 12:22-24) GF5: 118, 300, 334, 360, 453; GF6: 350, 385; JN1: 226; WDS 273f; IP1: 37f, 45, 193; IP2: 115, 213; IP3: 133, 353

(Heb 12:22) GF4: 172; GF6: 303, 350; GF7: 45 [38], 311 [260]; GF8: 129 [337], 221 [380]; GFT 180; DGA 99, 115, 120; JN2: 267 (RS), 558; WDS 140, 197; IP2: 436; IP3: 34, 163, 235, 415; IP4: 82f, 105, 387

(Heb 12:22f) GF5: 355; GF6: 236; GF7:143 [151]; GF8: 157 [354], 298 [409]; LB (E116); JN1: 43; RBA 217; EQ 331 (BC)

(Heb 12:23) GFJN 35; GF3: 258, 448; GF6: 237; GF7: 220 [217], 306 [252]; GF8: 84 [318]; GFT 180f; DGA 76; MFU 97; HPS 459 (MF); JN1: 192, 293; JN2: 71, 320; WDS 178, 297; IP3: 194, 416, 517; WPR 597, WPT 396

(Heb 12:23f) GFT 202; IP3: 402, 445; RBAF 164

(Heb 12:24) GF5: 363; GF6: 343; IP2: 37, 284; IP3: 41, 191f, 214, 480; IP4: 27, 88, 184, 376; WPR 150, 606; WPT 414; JSS 14


(Heb 12:18-22)

IP4:252 (1671?): Mark what the apostle saith, Heb 12 [:18-22]. "Ye are not come to the mount that might be touched," to outward Mount Sinai, or Zion, to the appearance of God there; but ye are come to the inward Zion, and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to fellowship with God and Christ there.

(Heb 12:18)

GF6:164: [Heb 12:18, see under Rev 14:1-5]

(Heb 12:20)

JN2: 240 (1655): Our dispensation is of the Spirit of light, whereby we are led, and Mount Sinai we know, and the law received from God's own mouth, where the beast cannot touch [Heb 12:20, Exod 19:13], and from the wilderness of sin we are journeyed [Exod 16:1]....

(Heb 12:21)

[Other texts citing Heb 12:21: GF4:72 (under Heb 12:26f)]

JN2:251 (1655): When Daniel heard the word of the Lord he stood trembling. Dan 10:11. And when Moses heard the word of the Lord, he exceedingly feared and quaked. Heb 12:21. And David his bones were out of joint, Psa 22:14; this thou calls strange fits who never knew the word of the Lord....

HPS 416 (Elizabeth Bathurst, 1679): Psal 2.10,11 the prophet David instructs kings and judges of the earth to serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Phil. 2.12. the apostle exhorts them, to work out their own salvation with like frame. Nor was this only their advice, but also the saints' practice; for Moses confesseth himself a QUAKER, Heb 12.21.

(Heb 12:22-28)

GF6:164: [Heb 12:22-28, see under Rev 14:1-5]

(Heb 12:22)

JN2:558 (1655): But seeing thou would put that Jerusalem John saw out of the expectations of any whilst the world stands; read Heb 12:22 and judge if thou canst of that heavenly Jerusalem, whether that was a vision also, and whether the apostle spoke truth when he said the Hebrews was come to the city of the living God, to the heavenly Jerusalem....

IP3:235 (1672): For the Lord is pulling down that which men have built up, which they may, in their mistaken judgments, call principles and fundamentals, and is building up that which men have trampled on, even the tabernacle of David, which hath long been fallen down [Amos 9:11, Acts 15:16]; and the city of the living God [Heb 12:22], which hath long been trodden under foot of the false Christians [Rev 11:2]; and the power of the devil is greatly at work to oppose this appearance and mighty work of the Lord in this day.

(Heb 12:22f)

GF5:355 (1677): But Christ who was the beginning and the ending, the first and the last [Rev 22:13], and the same yesterday, today, and forever [Heb 13:8]; who is the heavenly and spiritual man [1 Cor 15:46-48], does walk in the midst of his golden candlesticks [Rev 2:1], glory to God forever, and he is known and seen to walk now in the midst of his churches, "the general assembly written in heaven [Heb 12:23]," which are called the heavenly Jerusalem [Heb 12:22], who are the living members of him the living head....

GF8:157 (1678): the church of the living God, written in heaven [1 Tim 3:15/Heb 12:22f; for context see under Heb 2:12]

(Heb 12:23)

[Other texts citing Heb 12:23: GFJN 35 (John 14:6), WPR 597/WPT 396 (under Heb 11:4)]

GF6:237 (1684): So everyone must come to the grace, light, and truth in their hearts, that's come by Jesus [John 1:17], and the word of faith in their hearts [Rom 10:8], if that they come to this heavenly and spiritual unity, and fellowship, and order, that is amongst the saints in light; though they may be absent in the flesh or body, yet they are present in the spirit [1 Cor 5:3], and the spirit brings them to the spirits of just men made perfect [Heb 12:23], to have unity with them.

GF8:84 (1675): And keep up your testimony in the power of Christ, for the church that is made of living stones [1 Pet 2:5], (which he is the head of [Col 1:18],) who are the first-born written in heaven [Heb 12:23]....

JN2:71 (1655): now Christ and he is one, married to him, and Christ is his head and husband [2 Cor 11:2, Eph 4:15]; and now the head speaks, prayeth, and praiseth, and prophsies, and is uncovered [1 Cor 11:3f]; and here is the church of the firstborn [Heb 12:23], the pillar and ground of truth [1 Tim 3:15], where the woman must be covered and kept silent, and is not to speak in the church, and is not to usurp authority, but is to be in subjection [1 Tim 2:11f]; and if she would know anything, let her ask her husband at home [1 Cor 14:35], and he is to her a covering of the eyes forever [Gen 20:16].

IP3:517 (1676): Oh that thou knew the church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven [Heb 12:23], the Jerusalem which is above, which is free, which is the mother of all [Gal 4:26] who are born of the regenerating virtue and power!

(Heb 12:23f)

IP3:402 (1677): Yea, here is the house of God and throne of God, and God the judge of all [Heb 12:23], and Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and the blood of sprinkling [Heb 12:24], where the ransomed of the Lord [Isa 35:10] enjoy the presence of the bridegroom, whom God hath set King, and who reigns upon his holy hill of inward and spiritual Zion [Psa 2:6]....

(Heb 12:24)

[Other texts citing Heb 12:24: IP4:88, JSS 14 (under 1 Jn 1:7)]

IP2:284 (16): The seed ... in patient suffering helps and cleanses the vessel through the virtue of the blood of Jesus, which is felt in the seed which comes from Jesus. And here is the blood of sprinkling [Heb 12:24] known in the soul, which cleanses the conscience from dead works [Heb 9:14], and washes away the iniquity thereof.

WPR 150 (1678): Abraham is amongst you, God's friend [Jas 2:23], and his just Lot too [2 Pet 2:7]; yea, Jacob that prevailed [Gen 32:28]; and one that is greater than all, JESUS, the Lamb of God [John 1:29], whose blood speaketh better things than that of Abel [Heb 12:24], in whom is mediation and atonement.


12:25 See that ye refuse [GBT: despise] not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven:

12:26 Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised [GB: hath declared; T: declareth], saying, Yet once more [GBT: +will] I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.     qtext

[Heb 12:26 cf Hag 2:6]

12:27 And this word, [B: And this; T: No doubt that same that he saith] Yet once more, signifieth the removing [T: +away] of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made [G: which are made with hands; T: which have ended their course] , that those things which cannot be [GBT: are not] shaken may remain.     qtext

12:28 Wherefore we receiving [G: seeing we receive; T: if we receive] a kingdom which cannot be moved [G: cannot be shaken; T: is not moved], let us have grace, whereby we may [GB: +so] serve God acceptably [G: that we may please him; T: and please him] with reverence and godly [G: omits] fear:     qtext

12:29 For [G: +even] our God is a consuming fire.     qtext

[Heb 12:29 cf Deut 4:24]

(Heb 12:25-27) GF7: 173f [184], 280f [245]; GFT 94

(Heb 12:25) GFJN 666; GF4: 267; GF5: 88, 314; DGA 120; LB (T26)

(Heb 12:26-28) MFU 22; IP4: 128

(Heb 12:26) GF3: 434; LB (B28); TEM 134; SIW 68

(Heb 12:26f) GFJN 22; GF2: 337; GF3: 577; GF4: 72; GF7: 280f; DGA 187; IP1: 15; IP2: 93, 130; IP3: 124, 491; IP4: 84

(Heb 12:27-29) MFU 96

(Heb 12:27) GF3: 81, 175, 196, 468, 510; GF7: 80 [68], 124 [130], 173 [184]; GF8: 50 [300]; MFU 197; IP1: 85; IP2: 201; IP3: 34, 40, 163; IP4: 143, 381

(Heb 12:27f) GF6: 236; GF8:247 [391]; IP1: 193; IP2: 46; IP3: 496; IP4: 128, 202, 222; HPS 336; WPR 602; JWJM 49

(Heb 12:28) GF8: 200 [370]; IP3: 133, 243; IP4: 85, 145, 196, 230; HPS 415 (EB); WPR 73

(Heb 12:28f) GFJN 66

(Heb 12:29) GF5: 3; GFT 88; MFU 136; JN3: 751; IP3: 286, 486; IP4: 188, 211, 258, 436; HPS 199, 205;458 (MF); JSS 14


(Heb 12:26-28)

[Other texts citing Heb 12:26-28: MFU 22 (under Heb 12:16)]

IP4:128 (1671): Read Heb 12:26-28, and consider how all elementary and outward things which could be shaken were to be shaken and pass away; that those things which were of a higher nature (even of the nature of the kingdom) might remain and be established in their stead.

(Heb 12:26)

TEM 134 (166-): Awake, I pray, O mighty Jah, awake, / Make all the world before thy presence quake, / Not only earth, but also heaven shake [Heb 12:26].

SIW 67f (Catherine Payton Phillips): Indeed, in this season of deep distress, both "the earth and the heavens were shaken [Heb 12:26]", some of those religious principles, which I had received by education were called in question; and I was left without any foundation of certainty respecting them;

(Heb 12:26f)

[Other texts citing Heb 12:26f: GF7:280f (under 1 Pet 2:6), IP2:93 (Rev 11:13), IP4:84 (Rev 6:13)]

GF4:72 (1656): the trumpet is blown in Zion, and the alarm is sounded in his holy mountain [Joel 2:1], which makes the earth to tremble [Psa 60:2], and it doth tremble at the word of the Lord [Isa 66:5], (and is by the dark world called Quakers,) at whose voice Moses exceedingly did quake [Heb 12:21], which power and voice now is known among us, which doth not only shake the earth but the heavens, which power removes that which is shaken, that that which cannot be shaken may remain and appear [Heb 12:26f]....

IP2:130 (1660): Oh, happy is he who is now made willing to part with that which God is determined to rend from man, that his standing may be in that which cannot be shaken! [Heb 12:26f] for there hath been a great earthquake in this nation, both of things without, and of things within; and there yet remains somewhat to be shaken, both without and within, that the glory of God may have room to appear.

IP3:491 (1672): He is Lord of the sabbath [Mat 12:8]; he is Lord and commander over all outward ordinances whatsoever; he is not a transgressor in making or causing any shadow to fly away [Song 2:17]; but a fulfiller of his Father's word and counsel, in shaking what is shakeable, that that, which cannot be shaken, might remain in his Father's kingdom for ever [Heb 12:26f].

(Heb 12:27)

[Other texts citing Heb 12:27: GF3:510 (John 8:35), GF8:50 (Luk 17:21), IP4:128 (Luk 21:24)]

GF3:196 (1659): He saith, "Is it any more a nickname to call a man a Quaker, because he quakes by the power of God? A. Yes, if the power of God doth make him to quake and tremble. And he must quake before salvation be wrought out [Phil 2:12], and man come out of the fall, out of Adam's state in the transgression, in the earth and darkness, corruption, pollution, and death; he must know the power of God that shakes that which is to be shaken, before he knows that raised up that cannot be shaken [Heb 12:27]; which the world is ignorant of, though they have the form of it.

GF7:80 (1654): So know the life that stands in God; and all know the power of God, for that power shall never be shaken nor change, but will shake down all that must be shaken and will change [Heb 12:27].

(Heb 12:27f)

[Other texts citing Heb 12:27f: IP3:496 (under Rev 3:20)]

IP4:222 (1671): And his kingdom, which is spiritual, and not of this world [John 18:36], cannot be shaken by this world (nor his Mount Zion removed); but is able to shake all nations and kingdoms [Heb 12:27f] which kiss not the Son [Psa 2:12], and oppose him.

(Heb 12:28)

[Other texts citing Heb 12:28: IP4:85 (under Heb 11:10)]

IP3:243 (1672): The Lord hath brought the day of distress and inward judgment over my heart; he hath arisen to shake terribly the earthly part in me [Isa 2:19] (yea, what if I should say that the powers of heaven have been shaken also [Mat 24:29]), that he might make me capable to receive, and bring me into, that kingdom which cannot be shaken [Heb 12:28G].

IP4:196 (1667): But alas friend! How thou hast wrested and perverted this scripture [2 Pet 3:16], turning aside the intent of God's Spirit, and putting thine own meaning upon his words, striving to make them speak what thou wouldst have them! Is this reading of the Scriptures in reverence, humility, and godly fear [Heb 12:28]?

(Heb 12:29)

[Other texts citing Heb 12:29: IP4:188f (1 Jn 1:8f), IP4:258 (Rev 21:1), HPS 199 (Mat 10:34)]

GFT 88f (1674): Wilt thou go out of Christ (who is a consuming fire [Heb 12:29]), to gather sticks to warm thee [Isa 50:11]? Who shall dwell with the everlasting burnings? [Isa 33:14] The true believer is entered into his rest [Heb 4:3] and ceases from his own works [Heb 4:10].

MFU 136 (1655): And whereas thou saith, that it is the eternal God of life (who is a consuming fire [Heb 12:29]) that destroys lust & covetousness, in this thou hast made it manifest that thou canst not witness that in thee it is destroyed....

IP3:486 (1671): If ye will ever know the Spirit of the Lord, ye must meet with him, as a searcher [Prov 20:27] and reprover [John 16:8] in your own hearts; yea, the merciful God must ye meet with, as a severe Judge, and unquenchable, consuming fire [Mat 3:12/Heb 12:29] against that spirit, wisdom, knowledge, and faith in you, which is but of a chaffy nature.

HPS 458 (Margaret Fell, 1654): let the living principle of God in you all, examine what ye enjoy and possess of him, who is eternal; and what is of him, will stand in his presence, who is a consuming fire [Deut 4:24, Heb 12:29] to all that is not of him....


13:1 Let brotherly love continue.     qtext

13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain [BT: lodge] strangers: for thereby some [T: omits] have entertained angels unawares [G: have (T: +divers) received angels into their houses unawares; B: having lodged angels, were unawares thereof].     qtext

13:3 Remember them that are in bonds, [G: +even]as [GT: as though ye were] bound with them; and [T: Be mindful of] them which suffer [GT: are in] adversity [G: affliction], as being yourselves also in the body [G: as if ye were also afflicted in the body; B: as also ye yourselves being in the body suffered adversity; T: as ye which are yet in your bodies].     qtext

13:4 Marriage is honourable in all [G: Marriage is honourable among all; B: Wedlock is honorable among all men; T: Let wedlock be had in price in all points], and the bed [T: let the chamber be] undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers [T: whorekeepers and advouterers] God will judge.     qtext

(Heb 13:1) GF8: 63 [311]; MFU 91; HPS 461 (MF)

(Heb 13:2) GF3: 513, 521, 550; GF4: 222, 247; JN1: 87, 200; JN2: 212, 236, 583; JN3: 249; WDS 158

(Heb 13:3) MFU 125

(Heb 13:4) GF4: 86, 202; GF6: 159; GF7: 34 [26], 79 [67], 85 [74], 226 [222], 267 [240], 333,5 [264]; GF8: 242 [389]; MFU 109; HPS 205; DFR 35


(Heb 13:1)

GF8:63 (1674): And so let the true brotherly love continue [Heb 13:1], and kindness, affableness, and courteousness, and whatsoever is decent, comely, and of a good report [Phil 4:8] in the eyes of God, and the hearts of all good men, that follow after

(Heb 13:2)

[Other texts citing Heb 13:2: JN1:87f (under Mat 26:3f), JN1:200 (Gen 19:1-11), JN2:212 (Gen 15:13), JN2:583 (Heb 11:13)]

GF3:513 (1659): And the pure doctrine of Christ and the apostles, which saith, "entertain strangers, love enemies," [Heb 13:2/Mat 5:44] is lost among you: instead of entertaining strangers, and loving enemies, they imprison and persecute, and have made their church unsavoury.

(Heb 13:3)

MFU 125 (1655?): ...who are faithful & obedient to the Lord, doth remember them that are in bonds as bound with them, and them which suffer adversity as being yourselves also in the body [Heb 13:3], and in him who is head of the body the church who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead [Col 1:18], you may remember the sufferings of the ministers of Christ who suffers in the flesh for the body's sake [Col 1:24], and gives up their bodies to the service of the most high God [Dan 3:26], to ... all manner of persecution.

(Heb 13:4)

GF7:34 (1653): And all that do act contrary to the light, and do join together in marriage contrary to the light, and are joined with that which is contrary to the light, this is their condemnation, the light, which leads to God. But who are joined together with the light, are joined together in God; and let no man put them asunder [Mat 19:6]. Here is the true joining; and there will be a clear testimony unto them, that God did move and command, and join them with his light, among all the children of light; and this marriage is honourable, and the bed not defiled [Heb 13:4]. And whom God doth move, and command, and join together, it was and is by his power.

GF7:79 (1654): Whom God joineth together, are with the light (which is eternal) in the unity, in the covenant of life and of peace [Mal 2:5], and this marriage is honourable, and this bed is not defiled [Heb 13:4]. For the light leads from all whoredom and adultery, which God will judge. For there is no marriage honourable, but what is in the Lord, and that is in the light ....Now who follow the motions of the flesh [Rom 7:5], fulfilling the desires of their will, and go into the lust of the flesh [Eph 2:3], such are adulterated from the light, and their marriage is not honourable, and the children of the light cannot approve of them.

GF7:226 (1662): For blessed are all you that rise in the power of God, and lie down in the same power; your beds are pure, holy, and undefiled [Heb 13:4], who lie down in the power of God, before unholiness was.

MFU 109 (1654): the holy men of God ... did not go to the priests to give them money, but took before witnesses... for there is no example in scripture, that the priests were have so much for marrying people... so whom the Lord joineth together, let no man put asunder [Mark 10:9], the marriage that is honourable; Contrary to the Light, God doth not join together; that marriage is not honourable; that bed is defiled [Heb 13:4]....

HPS 205 (Katharine Evans, 1662): By me who am thy dear and precious wife, and spouse, in the marriage of the Lamb [Rev 19:7], in the bed undefiled [Heb 13:4].

DFR 35f (17–): "Marriage," said the apostle, "is honorable in all [Heb 13:4]." I concluded he meant that it was honorable to all who married from pure motives, to the right person, and in the proper way and time, as divine Providence should direct.


13:5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as [G: those things that; T: that] ye have [T: +already]: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee [GBT: I will not fail thee, neither forsake thee (G = 13:6)].     qtext

13:6 [G: = 13:7] So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not [G: neither will I] fear what man shall do [G: can do; B: may do: T: doth] unto me.     qtext

[Heb 13:6 cf Psa 54:4, 118:6]

(Heb 13:5-8) GF5: 118f

(Heb 13:5) GF5: 433; GF6: 106; GF8: 277 [399]; GFEJ 344; MFU 340; JN1: 181, 281; WDS 320; IP3: 454; IP4: 352; HPS 53, 204; JWJM 48; SIW 43

(Heb 13:5f) GF8: 123 [332]

(Heb 13:6) GF7: 255 [233]; MFS 114; MFU 120, 375, 452; HPS 253; JWJM 173


(Heb 13:5)

JN1:281 (1654): Saith God, thou shalt not covet [Exod 20:17]; and covetousness let it not be once named amongst you, as becometh saints [Eph 5:3], for it is idolatry [Col 3:5]; and let your conversation be without covetousness, and be content with such things as you have, for he hath said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee [Heb 13:5].

IP4:352 (167-?): here is assurance of the love of God in Christ for ever [Rom 8:39], and that God will never leave nor forsake that soul [Heb 13:5] which is joined to him, and abides with him in this seed; but it shall be kept by the power of God, through the faith that springs from this seed, unto perfect redemption and salvation [1 Pet 1:5].

SIW 43 (Lydia Rawlinson Lancaster, 1754): both of us may from experience say with some of old, "Hitherto the Lord hath helped us" [1 Sam 7:12], and if we keep close to him he will yet help us, having promised that he will never leave or forsake his people [Heb 13:5], but will dwell with them and be their God [Exod 29:45].

(Heb 13:5f)

GF8:123 (1676): And so never fear man, nor what they are permitted to do unto you [Heb 13:6], but the Lord: though the hungry lions may lack, yet they that wait upon the Lord, shall not want any good thing [Psa 34:10]; for his promise is, he will never leave them nor forsake them [Heb 13:5].

(Heb 13:6)

[Other texts citing Heb 13:6: MFS 114/MFU 452/HPS 253 (under Rev 11:1), JWJM 173 (Mat 10:37f)]

MFU 375 (1664): ... none of you need to fear what man can do [Heb 13:6], who receives breath and being from the Lord of Heaven and Earth [Mat 11:25], who hath all their hearts in his hand, and can turn them at his pleasure [Prov 21:1].


13:7 [G: =13:8a] Remember them which have the rule over [GBT: oversight of] you, who have spoken [GT: declared] unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering [G: +what hath been] the end of their conversation. [BT: Whose end of conversation ye considering (T: The end of whose conversation see that ye look upon and) follow their faith].     qtext

13:8 Jesus Christ the same [GBT: omit] yesterday, and to day, and [G: the same also is; B: and the same; T: and the same continueth] for ever.     qtext

(Heb 13:7) EQ 525 (BR)

(Heb 13:7f) GF4: 90; RBA 39; RBAF 29

(Heb 13:8) GFJN 345; GF2: 305; GF3: 63, 188, 225, 339, 353, 409, 509; GF4: 93, 174, 220; GF5: 229, 278, 355; GF6: 313, 400, 415; GF7: 23 [15], 33 [25], 44 [37], 81 [71], 186 [195], 198 [201], 223 [221], 246f [232], 258 [236], 276, 277, 279, 280 [245]; GF8: 49, 50 [300], 58 [307], 71 [313], 131 [339], 165 [358], 304f [411]; GFEJ 37, 210; GFT 61, 198; DGA 97, 140; MFU 165, 168, 182, 197, 259; JN1: 10 (GF), 19, 56, 220, 287, 511, 533; JN2: 230, 455, 585; JN3: 249, 323; 701n, 725 (RR); EQ 109 (JN); IP1: 72, 132; IP2: 118, 364; IP3: 317; IP4: 59, 61; EQ 109, 110 (JN), 362 (TA), 506 (GF); HPS 175, 329, 334; WTG 174 (EH); JSS 12


(Heb 13:7)

RBA 39 (1678, II.9): [arguing that "the object of the saints' faith is the same in all ages, though held forth under divers administrations"] The same apostle (Heb 13:7-8), where he exhorteth the Hebrews to follow the faith of their elders, adds this reason, "Considering the end of their conversation, Jesus Christ, the same today, yesterday, and forever": Hereby notably insinuating, that in the object there is no alteraton.

(Heb 13:8)

[Other texts citing Heb 13:8: GF4:93 (John 1:14), GF5:355 (under Heb 12:22f), GF7:23f (Mat 4:9f), GF7:33 (Mat 26:24), GF7:186f (John 1:3), GF7:277 (Gen 10:9), GF8:50 (Mat 10:32), GF8:304f (Rev 12:1), JN1:56 (Luk 23:12), EQ 109 (John 6:27]

GFJN 345 (16 ): [GF disputing with Jesuit] "Then," said I, "I am satisfied, for you have told people that the consecrated divided loaf and wine were immortal and divine and now say, 'It will wear away as well as any other.' I must tell thee Christ remains, and is the same today as yesterday [Heb 13:8], and is the saints' heavenly food in all generations and never decays, through which they have life [John 6:32-58]."

GF3:408f (1659): They that are not in this "Christ within," are reprobates [2 Cor 13:5] ...; and so it is Christ, the same to-day, yesterday, and for ever [Heb 13:8], that the saints come to witness within them, not another Christ, neither many Christs. And they that profess a Christ without them, that have a Christ without them, and another Christ within them, here are two: for if it be not the same Christ that ended all types, figures, and shadows; if it be not him that is within, they have not the possession, the substance, nor the comfort of the true Christ.

GF5:229 (1676): you ... would limit the Son and God [Psa 78:41], and say, that "there is no revelation to be looked for now a-days;" then there is no looking for the knowledge of God now a-days: for there is no knowledge of him but as the Son reveals him [Mat 11:27], who is the same to-day as yesterday, and so for ever [Heb 13:8]; and is known by revelation now, as formerly, which we witness.

GF7:44 (1653): So, keep in the fear of God, and keep in his truth which ye at first received, for truth never changes [Heb 13:8?].

GF7:81 (1654): All be faithful in the everlasting seed, in which ye have life and power, dominion and wisdom, and clothing with that which is immortal, and the blessing of the Lord, and peace in the seed, Christ, that never fell [1 Pet 2:22] nor changed, nor will change [Heb 13:8];

GF7:279 (1666): And they whose religion, fellowship, and worship change, and who gad about, and change their ways, are fickle, and have itching ears [2 Tim 4:3] after the ways that change from Christ, who doth not change, who is the way [John 14:6], "the same to-day as he was yesterday" [Heb 13:8]; to be walked in [Isa 30:21]. . . .

MFU 165 (1655): The Spirit of God is the same as it was to the former prophets in scripture, and we bear testimony of the same Spirit which never changeth, which is the same yesterday, today & for ever [Heb 13:8].

JN1:511 (1655): And the cross of Christ you know not: for what Christ formerly did destroy upon the cross for his people, he doth the same now; and so is "the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Heb 13:8), which cross you that live in your pride and lusts of the flesh will not take up [Mat 16:24], and therefore the works of the devil remain in you undestroyed [1 Jn 3:8].

JN2:585 (1655): And now you rulers and people of England, it is the same Christ in us who is the same king today, yesterday, and forever [Heb 13:8], who declares in us against the same sins and is despised and refused by the same generation of builders [Psa 118:32], and whom the same powers of the earth deny and will not have him to rule over you [Luke 19:14] in your consciences, nor would give liberty of conscience to others to obey him....

EQ 110 (James Nayler, 1658): And many other fruits you may find which he ever brought forth in his chosen, whereby they were known to be in him and he in them [John 15:4], for which the world hates them [John 15:18f]. By all which you may clearly know, if he be the same in you today as he was yesterday in his people, and forever [Heb 13:8]. For he changes not, nor conforms to the world [Rom 12:2], but changes all his followers till they become in all things like himself; for they must bear his name and image before all men and spirits.

IP1:72 (1658): To the first objection, that this is a new way, or new light, I answer: It is new indeed to them who have lain long in the apostasy, and set up another light; but it is not new in itself, but the same that was in the beginning; yea, and before the beginning also. Christ was the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever [Heb 13:8]; and the light that comes from him is like him; that also is the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. It was the same under the law, the same before the law, the same since the law. As the darkness all along hath been the same, so the light all along hath been the same also.

WTG 174 (Elizabeth Hudson, 1749): is not that good hand that has hitherto been with me the same yesterday, today and forever [Heb 13:8]


13:9 Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines [T: learning]. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; [GBT: +and] not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein [T: had their pastime in them].     qtext

13:10 We have an altar, whereof they have no right to [G: have no authority to; T: may not] eat which serve [GBT: +in] the tabernacle.

13:11 For the bodies of those beasts, whose blood is brought into the sanctuary [GBT: holy place] by the high priest for [T: to purge] sin, are burned without the camp [BT: tents].

13:12 Wherefore [GBT: Therefore] Jesus also [G: even Jesus; T: Jesus], that he might [T: to] sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate.     qtext

13:13 Let us go forth therefore unto him [G: to him; T omits] without the camp [G: out of the camp; BT: out of the tents], bearing his reproach [T: and suffer rebuke with him].     qtext

13:14 For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.     qtext

13:15 By him therefore let us offer [B: do we offer; T: offer we] the sacrifice of praise [BT: laud] to God continually [GBT: always to God], that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to [GT: which confess; B: confessing] his name.

13:16 But to do good and to communicate [GBT: distribute] forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well [GBT: omit] pleased.

[Heb 13:16 cf 1 Tim 6:18]

(Heb 13:9) GFJN 34; GF3: 418, 440; GF7: 91 [79], 216 [215], 225 [221], 238 [223]; GF8: 37 [287], 180 [361]; JN3: 127

(Heb 13:11-13) GF5: 363

(Heb 13:12-15) GF5: 119

(Heb 13:12) GFJN 63, 500; GF5: 88, 202; GF6: 439; GF7: 251 [232]; GF8: 11 [265], 54 [304]; IP1: 130; IP3: 38, 97; IP4: 296, 299, 360; EQ 400; WPR 202

(Heb 13:13) JN2: 230; WPR 145

(Heb 13:14) JWJM 101

(Heb 13:15) GF5: 364; IP4: 87

(Heb 13:16) GF8: 117 [321]


(Heb 13:9)

GF3:440 (1659): The grace that is within, that establisheth the heart [Heb 13:9], is brought by the revelation of Jesus; the loins of the mind being girded up [1 Pet 1:13], it knows the grace by which it is saved, which brings salvation [Tit 2:11], which is sufficent [2 Cor 12:9]....

GF7:216 (1661): But mind God's power, and let your patience be perfect [James 1:4], and all your words seasoned with grace [Col 4:6], that they may edify; by which ye may season the earth [Mat 5:13], your hearts being established in the same [Heb 13:9], over all the unsavoury words and talkers, and live in the truth above them.

(Heb 13:12)

[Other texts citing Heb 13:12: GFJN 500 (Rev 21:9), GF8:11 (Heb 9:13f)]

GF7:251 (1664): And so Adam came to be lost, and the Lamb came to be slain, from the foundation of the world [Rev 13:8]; and therefore comes Christ, the first and the last [Rev 1:11], to destroy the devil and his works [Heb 2:14, 1 Jn 3:8] in men's hearts, and sanctifies them by his blood [Heb 13:12], his life, which was the sacrifice for the sins of the whole world [1 Jn 2:2],

IP1:130 (1659): Yea, our Lord Christ, at this very day, is as really crucified in their spiritual Egypt and Sodom [Rev 11:8], as he was without the gates [Heb 13:12] of Jerusalem.

IP3:97 (1668): [The Quakers] sincerely and in plainness of heart, own and acknowledge the death of that body which the Father prepared for his Son [Heb 10:5], in which he did the Father's will [John 6:38f] in his suffering without the gate [Heb 13:12] at Jerusalem.

(Heb 13:13)

JN2:230 (1655): let that of God in your consciences judge betwixt God and you herein, how you receive the Son of his love, the despised one [Isa 53:3]; search your hearts therewith and see: can you receive him who is set as a sign everywhere to be spoken against [Luke 2:34]? Will you bear his marks in your body [Gal 6:17]? Will you take up his cross daily [Luke9:23] and bear his reproach [Heb 13:13]?

(Heb 13:14)

JWJM 101 (YM Epistle, 1759): for "here we have no continuing city"; may we therefore diligently seek one that is to come [Heb 13:14], "whose builder and maker is God" [Heb 11:10].


13:17 Obey them that have the rule over [GBT: oversight of] you, and submit yourselves [T: +to them] : for they watch for your souls, [T: +even] as they that must give account [GBT: accounts], that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable [T: an unprofitable thing] for you.     qtext

13:18 Pray for us: for we trust [G: for we are assured that; T: we have confidence because] we have a good conscience, in all things willing [GT: good conscience in all things, desiring (T: and desire)] to live honestly.

13:19 But I beseech [GBT: desire] you the rather [G: somewhat (B omits) the more earnestly (T: abundantly)] to do this [GBT: that ye so do], that I may be restored to you the sooner [G: more quickly; T: quickly].

(Heb 13:17) GF3: 481; GF6: 477; GF7: 307 [254]; GF8: 292 [405]; JN1: 86; IP2: 502; IP3: 94; IP4: 303; RBA 274; RBAF 215; EQ 334 (BC), 521 (BR); WPR 643; SBD 61


(Heb 13:17)

GF3:481 (1659): Christ hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world [John 1:9], which is the way [John 14:6], and though your darkness cannot comprehend it [John 1:5], yet you pray that he would enlighten you.... Have you the light to seek, and the way to seek, and truth to seek, and yet are you watchers for souls [Heb 13:17]?

GF7:307 (1668): And so all they that watch for the soul [Heb 13:17], must have the immortal eye; for the soul is immortal: and therefore all eyes must be kept above that which is mortal, and out of it up to the immortal God, whose dwelling is in the light.

GF8:292 (1685): And if you would have them come to the knowledge of truth, let them know it, and where it is to be found. So I desire that you be valiant for it upon the earth [Jer 9:3], that you may give a good account unto God at the last with joy [Heb 13:17].

JN1:86 (1653): If you be ministers of God, ye are to watch for the souls [Heb 13:17]; tell me how many souls ye have led out of death; but you are in the flesh, and your ministry is carnal.

IP2:502 (1667): ... the Lord hath given gifts to some for this work, which the body hath need of; and the body is to wait on the Lord in the use of his gift, in fear and humility. For those that gather the soul to the Lord, they also are appointed to watch over the soul [Heb 13:17], in the same power and authority that gathered.

IP3:94 (1668): And the true apostle knew that those that watched for the soul, when they gave up the account concerning such as did not submit to and obey the Truth, but rebelled against it and perished, they could not do it with joy, but with grief, Heb 13:17.

RBA 274 (1678, X.26): ...we do believe and affirm that some are more particularly called to the work of the ministry and therefore are fitted of the Lord for that purpose, whose work is more constantly and particularly to instruct, exhort, admonish, oversee, and watch over their brethren; and that as there is something more incumbent upon them in that respect than upon every common believer, so also, as in that relation, there is due to them from the flock such obedience and subjection as is mentioned in these testimonies of the Scripture: Heb 13:17, 1 Thess 5:12-13, 1 Tim 5:17, 1 Pet 5:5.


13:20 Now [GBT: omit] the God of peace, that brought again from the dead [T: death] our Lord Jesus, that [GBT: the] great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant [T: testament],     qtext

[Heb 13:20 cf 2 Sam 23:5]

13:21 Make you perfect in every good work [GBT: all good works] to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing [G BT: pleasant] in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory [GBT: praise] for ever and ever [T: +while the world endureth]. Amen.     qtext

13:22 And I beseech you [G: +also], brethren, suffer the word [GT: words] of exhortation: for I have written a letter [GBT: omit] unto you in few words.     qtext

13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty [G: Know that our brother Timotheus (B: Know ye that brother Timothy) is delivered; T: Know the brother Timothy whom we have sent from us]; with whom, if he come shortly, I will see you.

13:24 Salute all them that have the rule over [GBT: oversight of] you, and all the saints. They of Italy salute you.

13:25 Grace be with you all. Amen. <Written to the Hebrews [B: Written; T: Sent] from Italy, [G: +and sent] by Timothy [GBT: Timotheus].>

(Heb 13:20) GF4: 57, 84; GF6: 305; GF7: 139 [147], 295 [249]; LB (C18); MFU 272; JN2: 602; IP1: 320; IP3: 271, 491; JSS 14

(Heb 13:20f) GF5: 119, 301, 363; GFEJ 139; JN1: 192; IP4: 102

(Heb 13:21) JN2: 445; JN3: 64; IP1: 321; EQ 81; WPR 129

(Heb 13:22) GF6: 181; EQ 519 (BR)


(Heb 13:20)

[Other texts citing Heb 13:20: IP3:271 (John 17:17), JSS 14 (under 1 Jn 1:7)]

GF7:295 (1667): Christ the everlasting covenant [Heb 13:20], ends the first covenant

IP1:320f (1660): [to charge that belief in perfection makes Christ and his sacrifice unnecessary]: The state of perfection itself doth not exclude these things, in such a way as this charge seems to intimate. For in the state of perfection, the blood is not laid aside as useless, but remains to keep pure for ever. It is the blood of the everlasting covenant, Heb 13:20. both the covenant and the blood last for ever, and are useful even to them that are perfect....

(Heb 13:20f)

GF5:301 (1676): [quotes Heb 13:20f]: So here you may see, who are the sheep, and who is the shepherd; and how the shepherd Christ Jesus makes his church, his sheep perfect.

(Heb 13:22)

GF6:181 (1684): [Quotes Heb 10:24f, Heb 13:22, Col 3:16] So here you may see the church of Christ, from his word dwelling in them, were able to teach and admonish one another from the word of wisdom in them. So it seems then, they did not set a priest over them, that he might always be teaching of them, and they might always be paying of him.

This page last revised Sept 2007