11:1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also [GB omit] am of Christ [T: Follow me as I do Christ] .      qtext

11:2 Now [BT omit] I praise [GBT: commend] you, brethren, that ye remember me in all [G: all my] things, and keep the ordinances, [T: +even] as I delivered them to you.      qtext

11:3 But I would have you know, [GB: will that ye know; T: would ye knew] that [GBT: +Christ is] the head of every man is Christ [G BT omit]; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God [GBT: the man is the woman's head. And God is Christ's head].      qtext


(1 Cor 11) RBAF 342

(1 Cor 11:1) GF5: 98; GF7: 349 [264]; JN1: 371; EQ 362 (TA)

(1 Cor 11:2) GF8: 145 [347]; JN3: 17

(1 Cor 11:2f) MFU 167

(1 Cor 11:3-15) GF7: 267 [240]

(1 Cor 11:3) GF4: 19; GF7: 189f [199]; JN1: 10 (GF); JSS 25


(1 Cor 11:1)

GF5:98 (1675): And the apostle saith, "Be ye followers of me, as I am of Christ." [1 Cor 11:1] So we cannot follow you, but as ye follow Christ.

(1 Cor 11:2f)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 11:2f: MFU 167 (Rom 13:2)]

(1 Cor 11:3-15)

GF7:267 (1664): And likewise what janglings there were, whether the woman should be covered, or the man should be covered, when they prayed or prophesied [1 Cor 11:3-15]; in which the apostle set forth a comeliness among them, of the man's being uncovered, and the woman covered; inasmuch as the man was the image and glory of God, and the woman the glory of the man [1 Cor 11:7]. Nevertheless, he would have them to know, that God was the head of Christ, and Christ was the head of the man, and the man was the head of the woman [1 Cor 11:3]; and the woman was made for the man, and not the man for the woman [1Cor 11:9]. And thus ye may see that these Corinthians were not come up to the state of Adam before he fell, and of Eve, by the apostles setting thus forth their states.... And whereas it is said by some, ''that Christ is the head of the man,'' &c. which head of man, (say they,) is the same that is head of the woman. Mark, now, if it be so, according to this interpretation, (which is wresting [2 Pet 3:16],) then Christ must be covered in the woman, when she prays or prophesies, and the woman must have power over Christ, and she be uncovered, then Christ must be shorn or shaven; which is ridiculous, and shows then a difference of Christ in the male and the female; which is not so, for God is the head of Christ, and Christ the head of man, as he was made, and man the head of the woman. But as woman received the temptation, and likewise also the man, and so are both in the fall; now this was spoken as man was made before he fell, which as man comes up again out of the fall, and woman, Christ in the male and in the female [Gal 3:28] is head of both.

(1 Cor 11:3)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 11:3: JSS 25 (1 Cor 12:12f)]


11:4 Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered [GBT: any thing on his head], dishonoureth [BT: shameth] his head.      qtext

11:5 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered [GBT: bareheaded] dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if [GT: all one very (T: one and the very same) thing, as though] she were shaven.      qtext

11:6 For [G: Therefore; BT omit] if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but [G: and; BT omit] if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered [BT: cover her head].

11:7 For [BT omit] a man indeed [GBT omit] ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but [T omits] the woman is the glory of the man.      qtext

11:8 For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man.

11:9 Neither was the man [G: For the man was not]created for the woman [GBT: woman's sake]; but the woman for the man [GBT: woman's sake].      qtext

11:10 For this cause [G: Therefore] ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels [BT: for the angels' sakes].


(1 Cor 11:4) RBA 444; RBAF 403

(1 Cor 11:4f) GF5: 242; GF7: 189 [199]; MFS 69; JN2: 71; EQ 336 (BC)

(1 Cor 11:5) GF2: 278; GF8: 40 [291], 111 [320]; GFEJ 152f, 336

(1 Cor 11:5f) RBA 277; RBAF 218

(1 Cor 11:7) GF6: 102; GF7: 190 [199], 267 [240]; EQ 310

(1 Cor 11:9) GF7: 190 [199], 267 [240]


(1 Cor 11:4)

RBA 444, RBAF 403 (1678, XV.6): Now kneeling, bowing, and uncovering of the head is the alone outward signification of our adoration towards God & therefore it is not lawful to give it unto man. He that kneeleth or prostrates himself to man, what doth he more to God? He that boweth and uncovereth his head to the creature, what hath he reserved to the Creator? Now the apostle shows us that the uncovering of the head is that which God requires of us in our worshipping of him (1 Cor 11[:4]). But if we make our address to men in the same manner, where lieth the difference? Not in the outward signification, but merely in the intention; which opens a door for the Popish veneration of images, which hereby is necessarily excluded.

(1 Cor 11:4f)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 11:4f: MFS 68f (1 Cor 14:30f), JN2:71 (Heb 12:23)]

(1 Cor 11:5)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 11:5: GF8:40 (Rev 12:17)]

GF8:111 (1676): the apostle saith, that "every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered, dishonoureth her head [1 Cor 11:5]." So women may pray and prophesy here, according to order, in the church, as well as the men. And yet the same apostle in the 14th chapter, forbids a woman to speak in the church. And the apostle saith, "Let the women keep silence in the church;" and "if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home [1 Cor 14:34f]." But when they have learnt of Christ their husband at home, they are not forbidden of Christ from prophesying or praying; but to lie babbling and prating in the church, such speaking in the church is a shame.

(1 Cor 11:5f)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 11:5f: RBA 276 (1 Cor 14:34)]

(1 Cor 11:7)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 11:7: GF7:267 (1 Cor 11:3-15)]

GF6:102 (1680): For wherever did [Christ and the apostles] cast any into prison for not putting off their hats to them, though "every knee must bow to the name of Jesus" [Phil 2:10]? But the apostle doth not say, that every one must bow the knee to the apostles or the pope, and that they must be uncovered to them; for the apostle taught, that "they must be uncovered (in their praying or prophesying) to the Lord, because man is in the image of God" [1 Cor 11:7]. But he doth not say, they should be uncovered to men, or bow the knee to them, but to the name of Jesus, and to God the Father.

EQ 310 (Samuel Fisher, 1661): [continued from under Gen 2:7] This is that living principle of the divine nature, which man did before his degeneration, and shall again after his regeneration, partake of. In respect of which, he was, and shall be again (as he takes heed to come into union with it, and thereby to recover to his first estate) called the Son of God, as Adam was before he fell; and in respect of which he is said (principally) to be made after God's own image [Gen 1:27], and to be the very image and glory of God [1 Cor 11:7]; this is that incorruptible, immortal Seed of God [1 Pet 1:23], which whoever comes to witness himself brought forth into the likeness of [Col 3:10], is said to be born of God, to be of God, to be the child of God, that doth righteousness [1 Jn 3:9f]....

(1 Cor 11:9)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 11:9: GF7:267 (1 Cor 11:3-15)]


11:11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.      qtext

11:12 For as the woman is of the man, even [G omits] so is the man also [BT omit] by the woman; but all things [G: things are; BT is] of God.      qtext

11:13 Judge in yourselves: is it [BT: whether it be] comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered [BT: bareheaded]?

11:14 [T: +Or else] Doth not even [GBT omit] nature itself [T omits] teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him [BT: it is a shame for a man if he have long hair]?

11:15 But if [T: and a praise to] a woman [T:+if she] have long hair, it is a glory to her [GB: it is a praise unto (B: for) her; T omits]: for her hair is given her for a covering [BT: to cover her withal].

11:16 But if [B: If; T: If there be] any man seem [GB: lust; T: among you that lusteth] to be contentious [BT: strive; T: +let him know that], we have no such custom, neither the churches [T: congregations] of God.


(1 Cor 11:11-13) MFS 69

(1 Cor 11:11) GF8: 70 [313]; JSS 21, 41, 58

(1 Cor 11:11f) LB (Z18)

(1 Cor 11:12) GF8: 69 [313]; GFEJ 331


(1 Cor 11:11-13)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 11:11-13: MFS 68f (1 Cor 14:30f)]

(1 Cor 11:11)

JSS 21 (179-): In the production of this conception, generation, and birth [of the inward Christ], there is both Father and mother. He that begets, is the only possible Father of this the only begotten. The soul in whom this conception and birth is effected, is the mother; and here "the man is not without the woman, nor the woman without the man in the Lord [1 Cor 11:11]." This conception and birth cannot possibly be effected by the mother without the Father, and is never produced by the Father without the consent of the mother [Luk 1:38]. There must be a celestial union, a real cooperation, wherein two become one. Of the twain one new man is made [Eph 2:15], which is God in man in the heavenly and mystical fellowship and union. This is the mystery of Christ.

(1 Cor 11:12)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 11:12: GF8:69 (Gen 3:16)]


11:17 Now in this that I declare unto you I praise you [BT: This I warn you of, and commend] not, that ye come together not for the better, but for the worse [G: with profit, but with hurt; BT: after a better manner, but after a worse].      qtext

11:18 For first of all, when ye come together in the church [T: congregation], I hear that there be divisions [G: are dissensions; BT: is dissension] among you; and I partly believe it [G: believe it to be true in some part].

11:19 For there must be also [GBT omit] heresies [BT: sects] among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you [GBT: among you might be known].      qtext

11:20 When ye come together therefore into one place [T omits], this is not to [BT: you (T: a man) cannot] eat the Lord's supper.

11:21 For in eating every one taketh before other[G: every man when they should eat, taketh; B: every one preventeth other, in eating; T: every man beginneth afore to eat] his own supper [G: +afore] : and one is hungry, and another is drunken.

11:22 What? [GBT omit] have ye not houses to eat and to drink in? or [GB omit; T: or else] despise ye the church [T: congregation] of God, and shame them that have not? What shall I say to you? shall I praise you in this? I [T: praise you? In this I] praise you not.


(1 Cor 11:17-22) RBA 399[-402]; RBAF 353[-355]

(1 Cor 11:19) GF7: 60 [47], 267f [240]; JN1: 315, 318; JN3: 299; IP1: 337, 357; IP4: 274


(1 Cor 11:17-22)

RBA 399, RBAF 353 (1678, XIII.8): Now, as the primitive Christians began by degrees to depart from that primitive purity and simplicity...; so also in the use of [the Lord's supper], very early abuses began to creep in among Christians, so that it was needful for the apostle Paul ... to reprove them [1 Cor 11:17-34].... First, because they were apt to use that practice in a superstions mind beyond the true use of it, as to make of it some mystical supper of the Lord, he tells them (v.20) that their "coming together into one place, is not to eat the Lord's supper," he saith not, this is not the right manner to eat; but, because the Supper of the Lord is spiritual, and a mystery. Secondly, he blames them, in that they come together for the worse, and not for the better, the reason he gives of this is (v. 21), "For in eating, every one hath taken before his own supper; and one is hungry, and another is drunken." Here it is plain, that the apostle condemns them for that, because this custom of supping in general was used among Christians to increase their love, and as a memorial of Christ's supping with the disciples, that they should have so vitiated it, to eat it apart, and to come full, who had abundance; and hungry, who had little at home. Whereby the very use and end of this practice is lost and perverted.... (discussion continues through p 402)

(1 Cor 11:19)

GF7:60f, JN1:318 (1653; Fox may have appropriated from Nayler): For many are crept in unawares [Jude 1:4], who are ''self-ended, slow bellies [Tit 1:12], who love this world more than the cross of Christ, who are got high in the form, and have great swelling words [2 Pet 2:18, Jude 1:16],'' which they can utter for their advantage in earthly things, deceiving the simple therewith [Rom 16:18], who are not yet got above the pollution of the world [2 Pet 2:20]. And this was ordained of old, for the manifesting of him that is approved [1 Cor 11:19]. And with that eye that leads out of the fall, is he seen to be fallen, who hath got the saints' words to plead for that which is in the fall to uphold it.

IP1:337 (1660): It is granted, that the corruption of the mind and judgement is defiling and infectious; and therefore every heart that knows the preciousness of truth, is to wait on the Lord in his fear, in the use of those means which he hath appointed for preservation from it; but that killing the persons is one of the means God hath appointed ... is still denied to be either proper in itself, or sanctified by God to this end. The apostle says, "There must be heretics, that they which are approved may be made manifest," 1 Cor 11:19, but he doth not say, hereafter, when there are Christian magistrates, they must banish or cut off the heretics, as fast as they spring up; but God hath use of these things for the exercising of the spirits of his people, and the truth gains by overcoming them in the faith and power of the spirit.


11:23 For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you [G: + to wit; BT: That which I delivered unto you, I received of the Lord], That [BT: For] the Lord Jesus the same night in which [G: in the night when] he was betrayed took bread:      qtext

11:24 And when he had given thanks, he brake it [T: thanked and brake], and said, Take, eat [BT: Take ye and eat (T: +ye)]: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in [GBT: ye in; BT: + the] remembrance of me.      qtext

11:25 After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped [T: supper was done], saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye [GBT omit], as oft as ye drink it, in [T: +the] remembrance of me.      qtext

11:26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do [G omits; BT: shall] shew the Lord's death till he come.      qtext


(1 Cor 11:23-26) GF3: 172, 272; GF6: 242f, 251, 282, 287; RBA 400f; RBAF 344, 354; EQ 340 (BC); WPR 508

(1 Cor 11:23) GF5: 98; MFU 168; RBA 391; RBAF 354

(1 Cor 11:23f) JN3: 17

(1 Cor 11:24-26) GFJN 344; GF6: 288, 364; JN3: 108, 111, 461; DGA 167f

(1 Cor 11:24) WPR 344

(1 Cor 11:24f) JN1: 20, 222, 381; HPS 367 (EB)

(1 Cor 11:25) GFJN 23; MFS 33 MFU 168; RBAF 354 [cf Luke 22:20]

(1 Cor 11:25f) JN3: 5

(1 Cor 11:26-29) RBA 388f; RBAF 342

(1 Cor 11:26) GF4: 237, 272; GF6: 251; GFT 109; JN3: 109f, 113; RBA 386; RBAF 340, 342; EQ 204; WPT 194


(1 Cor 11:23-26)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 11:23-26: GF6:242f (Rev 3:20), GF6:251 (John 14:18), WPR 508 (Mat 9:17)]

(1 Cor 11:24-26)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 11:24-26: GFJN 344 (Luk 22:19f), GF6:288 (Luk 22:21), DGA 167 (Luk 22:19f)]

JN3:111 (1656): If you intend to sup with the Lord [Rev 3:20], or show the Lord's death till he come, let your eating and drinking, so oft as you do it, be in remembrance of him [1 Cor 11:24-26], and in his fear, that a death you may witness to the lust and excess, which is that which slew him since the foundation of the world [Rev 13:8], and is the great enemy of his appearance, and that by which he lies slain in the great city which is called Sodom and Egypt [Rev 11:8].

(1 Cor 11:24f)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 11:24f: JN1:20, 222 (Mat 26:26-28), JN1:381 (1 Cor 10:17)]

(1 Cor 11:25)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 11:25: MFS 33 (1 Cor 10:21), MFU 168 (Mat 26:28f)]

(1 Cor 11:26)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 11:26: GF4:237 (1 Cor 11:28) ]

GFT 109 (1675): "Eat this, drink this": these are feeding things of the remembrance of his death [1 Cor 11:26]. All these are shadows, and other types [that] served till Christ came, till the Seed came, and after he was come, there was the Substance.

EQ 204 (Stephen Crisp, 1694): So after long travel [travail], strong cries, and many bitter tears and groans, I found a little hope spiring in me, that the Lord in his own time would bring forth his Seed, even his elect Seed, the seed of the covenant, to rule in me; and this was given me at a time when a sense of my own unworthiness had so overwhelmed me in sorrow and anguish, that I thought myself unworthy of any of the creatures.... Then did the hope of the resurrection of the just [Luk 14:14, Acts 24:15] spring in me, and I was taught to wait on God, and to eat and drink in fear and watchfulness, showing forth the Lord's death till he should come [1 Cor 11:26] to be raised to live and reign in me.


11:27 Wherefore whosoever shall eat [T: +of] this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord [T: or drink of the cup] , unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.      qtext

11:28 But let a man [GT: Let every (T: a) man therefore] examine himself, and so let him eat of that [GB: this; T: the (2x)] bread, and drink of that cup.      qtext

11:29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning [GBT: his own damnation, because he discerneth not (BT: maketh no difference of)] the Lord's body.      qtext

11:30 For this cause many are weak and sickly [GBT: sick] among you, and many sleep.

11:31 For if we would judge [T: If we had truly judged] ourselves, we should not be [T: have been] judged.

11:32 But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord [T: judged of the Lord we are chastened], that [GT: because] we should not be condemned [BT: damned] with the world.

11:33 Wherefore, my brethren, when ye come together to eat, tarry one for another.

11:34 And [BG omit] if any man hunger [G: be hungry], let him eat at home; that ye come not together unto condemnation. And the rest [GBT: Other things] will I set in order when I come.      qtext


(1 Cor 11:27-29) JN1: 20 , 222; EQ 258 (FN);

(1 Cor 11:27) RBA 390

(1 Cor 11:28) GF4: 237

(1 Cor 11:29) GF4: 102; GF5: 152, 379; MFU 201; JN1: 302; RBA 374, 390; RBAF 327; EQ 170

(1 Cor 11:31) GF3: 51?

(1 Cor 11:34) GF6: 184; GF8: 185 [361]; IP4: 331


(1 Cor 11:27-29)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 11:27-29: JN1:20|222 | EQ 258 (Mat 26:26-28)]

(1 Cor 11:27)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 11:27: RBA 389f (Mat 23:29-36)]

(1 Cor 11:28)

GF4:237 (1660): they that told the world that Christ was in the sacrament, and Christ was in the bread and wine, and that was his body, and that was his blood, erred; for the scriptures say, bread and wine is but a memory and a shew until he come [1 Cor 11:26]; and saith, examine, and so eat [1 Cor 11:28], and then examine again after he hath eaten; and know you not yourselves, how that Christ is in you except you be reprobates [2 Cor 13:5]; and if he be witnessed within, and known within, then he is come, then what need you have bread and wine to put you in remembrance of him?

(1 Cor 11:29)

GF4:101f (1656): Alas for you! all your profession of the scriptures, of the apostles', Christ's and prophets' words, if you be found out of the life of the prophets, Christ and the apostles, is vain, ye are but ... vain janglers [1 Tim 1:6] about words, and vain disputers [1 Tim 6:5BT], and bringing the scriptures to oppose one another, and disputing of Christ and the saints' words, bringing scripture as the devil did, and are out of the life that gave it forth, disputing about the body of Moses [Jude 1:9], such be in the unrepented state, which eat and drink damnation to themselves, not discerning the Lord's body [1 Cor 11:29]; therefore be ye warned.

RBA 374, RBAF 327 (1678, XIII.1): The communion of the body and blood of Christ is a mystery hid from all natural men in their first fallen and degenerate state, which they cannot understand, reach to, nor comprehend, as they there abide; neither, as they there are, can they be partakers of it, nor yet are they able to "discern the Lord's body" [1 Cor 11:29]: and forasmuch as the Christian world, so called, for the most part hath been still labouring, working, conceiving, and imagining in their own natural and unrenewed understandings about the things of God and religion, therefore hath this mystery much been hid and sealed up from them, while they have been contending, quarreling, and fighting one with another about the mere shadow, outside, and form, but strangers to the Substance, Life and Virtue.

(1 Cor 11:34)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 11:34: GF8:185 (1 Cor 2:7)]

IP4:331 (167-?) The church is a body; every particular soul that is renewed, quickened, and kept alive, is a member. Now, every member needs the presence and power of that Spirit which quickened it, to nourish, keep alive, and order it. And the church hath much more need of the Spirit to be present with it, to guide and order it, and keep it in the holy order, power, and government of life. And this order and holy government in the Spirit and power of the Lord was brought forth in the apostles' days: for the apostles did rejoice in it concerning that church of Colosse, who joyed beholding their order, and the steadfastness of their faith in Christ. Col 2:5. For the apostles and ministers of Christ did set things in order in that day, Tit 2:5, 1 Cor 11:34, and it was their joy to see that order observed, and their grief when any were unruly, and would not be subject to the holy order and government of the church. 1 Th 5:14, Tit 1:10. And the church of Corinth, though it fell short in no gift, yet falling short in order, it did not arrive at the glory of some other churches.


12:1 Now concerning spiritual gifts [T: In spiritual things], brethren, I would not have you ignorant.      qtext

12:2 Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away [G: +and were; B: +and; T: and went your ways] unto these [G: the; BT omit] dumb idols, even [GB omit] as ye were led.

12:3 Wherefore I give you to understand [GBT: declare unto you], that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed [G: calleth Jesus execrable; BT: defieth Jesus]: and that [GBT: Also] no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.      qtext


(1 Cor 12) IP2: 481; RBA 270; RBAF 209

(1 Cor 12:3) GFJN 312; GF5: 89, 141, 194, 195, 197, 232, 337, 377, 379; GF6: 254, 295, 406; GF7: 48 [38], 244 [230]; GFT 138; DGA 128; MFU 222; JN3: 129, 247, 248, 394, 441; IPL 32; IP1: 145; IP2: 448; IP3: 48, 317, 326, 405; RBA 32f, 334; RBAF 25, 290; EQ 338 (BC); HPS 177; WPR 621; WPT 312; JSS 17, 38


(1 Cor 12)

IP2:481 (1666): He that despiseth him that is sent, despiseth Him that sent him [Luk 10:16]; and he that undervalues any gift, office, or work, that God hath bestowed on any person, despiseth the wisdom and disposal of the Giver. [for this and following, see 1 Cor 12 passim] Are all fathers? Have all overcome the enemy? Are all grown up in the Life? Are all stars in the firmament of God's power [Psa 150:1]? Hath God made all equal? Are there not different states, different degrees, different growths, different places, &c? Then if God hath made a difference, and given degrees of life, gifts different [Rom 12:6], according to his pleasure, what wisdom and spirit is that which doth not acknowledge this, but would make all equal?

(1 Cor 12:3)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 12:3: GFJN 312 (Mat 1:20), GF5:194 (Rom 10:15), GF7:48 (Isa 9:6), JSS 17 (Luk 4:41):]

JN3:393f (1656): What generation of blind guides [Mat 23:16] are you become? How thick darkness covered you [Exo 10:21f]? Is not the light of God sufficient, nor the light of Christ neither? What light must it be that is sufficient to lighten them that are in blindness, seeing God and Christ is denied by thee? Or can any say that Jesus is Lord, but by the light and Spirit within [1 Cor 12:3]?

IP3:326 (1674): "No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost." 1 Cor 12:3. It is precious to witness that confessing and acknowledging Jesus to be the Lord which is by the Holy Ghost. For only they that are governed by the Holy Ghost can so confess him. The devil did confess Jesus to be the Holy One [Mar 1:24], the Son of the living God, &c., and many now confess Jesus to be the Lord, in the same spirit, being alienated from the life or God, and having no true sense or understanding of that. But there is a confession which cannot arise but from God's Spirit, and from the knowledge, sense, and understanding which he gives; blessed are they that experience that.

RBA 32, RBAF 25 (1678, II.6): "No man can say that Jesus is Lord, but by the Holy Ghost [1 Cor 12:3]."....Here the apostle doth so much require the Holy Spirit in the things that relate to a christian, that he positively avers, we cannot so much as affirm Jesus to be the Lord without it; which insinuates no less, that the spiritual truths of the Gospel are as lies in the mouths of carnal and unspiritual men; for though in themselves they be true, yet are they not true as to them, because not known, nor uttered forth in and by that principle and Spirit that ought to direct the mind and actuate it in such things: they are no better than the counterfeit representations of things in a comedy.... This knowledge then of Christ, which is by not by the revelation of his own Spirit in the heart, is no more properly the knowledge of Christ, than the prattling of a parrot, which has been taught a few words, may be said to be the voice of a man....


12:4 Now [BT omit] there are diversities of gifts [T: +verily yet], but the same Spirit [B: the spirit is one; T: one spirit].      qtext

12:5 And there are differences [G: diversities] of administrations, [T: +and yet] but the same Lord [B: the Lord is one; T: one Lord].      qtext

12:6 And there are diversities [BT: divers manners] of operations, [T: +and yet] but it is the same God [G: God is the same; B: God is one; T: one God] which worketh all in all [T: things that are wrought in all creatures].      qtext


(1 Cor 12:4-11) IP4: 132

(1 Cor 12:4-7) GF5: 296

(1 Cor 12:4-6) RBA 39; RBAF 29; WPR 341

(1 Cor 12:4) GF7: 18 [4], 60 [47]; GFEJ 41; JN1: 288, 317; RBA 270; RBAF 209; HPS 291,384 (EB); JWJM 75

(1 Cor 12:4f) SBD 26, 31f

(1 Cor 12:5) JN3: 102

(1 Cor 12:6) SBD 39; JSS 11


(1 Cor 12:4)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 12:4: GF7:18 (Isa 29:21), JN1:288f (Rom 8:9)]

GF7:60 (1653): And take heed of judging the measures of others, but every one mind your own; and there ye famish the busy minds and high conceits, and so peace springs up among you, and division is judged. And this know, that there are diversities of gifts, but one spirit [1 Cor 12:4], and unity therein to all who with it are guided. And though the way seems to thee diverse; yet judge not the way, lest thou judge the Lord, and knowest not that several ways (seeming to reason) hath God to bring his people out by; yet are all but one in the end.

HPS 384 (Elizabeth Bathurst, 1679): ...Christianity doth not consist in the belief of so many doctrines, articles, and principles (as some suppose) but in conformity to that one Eternal Principle, to wit, the Light of Christ manifest in the conscience, and yet leads into a heavenly order, both in doctrine, principle and conversation, according to the diversity of its gifts [1 Cor 12:4], whereby man comes not to be at liberty in his own will, but bound again to God, which is the true significance of the word "religion"....

(1 Cor 12:4f)

SBD 31f: (1750) ...thee must consider that as there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit [1 Cor 12:4], therefore mind thy own gift and not another’s, and regard the Spirit that moves thee in it, that being the same that is in thy brother and sister. If thee keeps thy place therein, thee will likewise see that though thy gift is different from theirs, it is the same Spirit. So the administration (or delivery thereof) differs, but it is the same Lord [1 Cor 12:5] that makes thee to differ from them, and them to differ from thee.

(1 Cor 12:5)

JN3:102 (1656): all that is in the letter is not ordained there to be taken up by all that read it; for the saints had their call to their particular ministrations in Spirit, and not in letter: for else they had not witnessed particular differences of administrations, but the same Lord [1 Cor 12:5]. But by the Spirit they were led from carnal administrations, and through them, not sticking in the letter.

(1 Cor 12:6)

JSS 11 (179-): [continued from under John 21:6] We must, through the divine workings of God by his grace and spirit in us, work out our own salvation [Phil 2:12]. This is always the way it is wrought. We can do no more of it ourselves, unassisted by him, than "the Ethiopian can change his skin, or the leopard his spots [Jer 13:23]." And yet, even where it is done in the most sudden manner that ever it was known, it is done no other way, and no further, than as the will or spirit of man yields up, submits to, and becomes a co-worker with him who worketh all and all [1 Cor 12:6] in true religion.


12:7 But the manifestation [T: gifts] of the Spirit is [T: are] given to every man to profit withal [T: the congregation].      qtext


(1 Cor 12:7) GFJN 34, 687; GF2: 335; GF3: 511; GF4: 282, 411f; GF5: 243, 252, 328; GF7: 18 [4], 68 [52], 130 [132]; GF8: 16 [270], 69 [313], 149 [351], 160 [355], 171 [360]; GFT 187; MFS 32, 42; MFU 95, 98, 122, 127, 137, 211; JN1: 22, 132, 223; 263 (WD), 305; JN2: 153, 173, 220; 400 (TB), 462, 542; JN3: 413, 441; WDS 68; RBA 40, 97, 116, 151; RBAF 7(72), 30, 82, 107; EQ 95, 100 (WD), 279 (JN), 325 (BC); HPS 35, 56, 301f, 304, 323, 338; 344, 348, 380f, 385f, 395 (EB); 457, 462 (MF), 516; WPR 239, 392, 599, 611, 618; WPT 54, 152, 242, 248, 277, 297, 321, 400; SBD 27; DFR 74, 94; JSS 27


(1 Cor 12:7)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 12:7: MFS 32 (Mat 25:24-30), MFS 42 (Rev 3:7), MFU 98 (John 6:51), MFU 210f (Mat 25:25), JN1:21f (1 Pet 4:10f), JN2:153 (Luk 17:10), HPS 304 (Luk 12:46), DFR 94 (Isa 35:8), JSS 27 (1 Cor 2:12)]

GF2:335 (1688): Now is the time to labour, while it is day [John 9:4] (yea, the day of Christ) to stir up every one's pure mind [2 Pet 3:1], the gift of God that is in them; and to improve your talents, that Christ hath afforded, you, that ye may profit; and to walk every one according to the measure that Christ hath given you [Eph 4:7]; for "the manifestation of the spirit of God is given to every one to profit withal" [1 Cor 12:7]. Consider what you have profited in spiritual and heavenly things, with the heavenly spirit of God. Be not like the wicked and slothful, that hid his talent [Mat 25:25]; from whom it was taken, and cast into utter darkness.

JN2:220 (1655): And thus it is with you who observe the outward worships but mind not the Spirit which is given to profit withal [1 Cor 2:7] in the worship; and though all have a measure, yet you that hide your talent [Mat 25:25] cannot pray with the Spirit, nor with the understanding [1 Cor 14:15]; and so.... [continued under Rom 12:2]

RBA 115f, RBAF 82f (1678, V/VI.11): ...God hath communicated and given unto every man a measure of the Light of his own Son, a measure of grace, or a measure of the Spirit, which the Scripture expresses by several names, as sometimes of "the seed of the kingdom" (Mat 13:18f); the "Light that makes things manifest" (Eph 5:13); the "Word of God" (Rom 10:17); or "manifestation of the Spirit given to profit withal" (1 Cor 12:7); "a talent" (Mat 25:15); "a little leaven" (Mat 13:33); "the Gospel preached in every creature" (Col 1:23).... God, in and by this Light and Seed, invites, calls, exhorts, and strives with every man, in order to save him; which as it is received, and not resisted, works the salvation of all, even of those who are ignorant of the death and sufferings of Christ, and of Adam's fall, both by bringing them to a sense of their own misery, and to be sharers in the sufferings of Christ inwardly, and by making them partakers of his Resurrection, in becoming holy, pure, and righteous, and recovered out of their sins....

HPS 385f (Elizabeth Bathurst, 1679): For this grace of God, which is the Light of Jesus, 'tis a measure of the divine Spirit, and a manifestation of it is given to every man to profit withal [1 Cor 12:7]. Yea, this universal principle, which I am describing, it is a measure of the quickening Spirit [1 Cor 15:45] which raised up Jesus from the dead; by the indwelling of which in us, we come to be renewed in the spirit of our minds [Eph 4:23], and to have our mortal bodies quickened [Rom 8:11], so as to capacitate us to serve the Lord with our spirits, and with our bodies, which are his.

WPR 599, WPT 400 (1694): For it is the Spirit of the Lord immediately, or through the ministry of his servants, that teacheth his people to profit [1 Cor 12:7]; and to be sure, so far as we take him along with us in our services, so far we are profitable and no farther. For if it be the Lord that must work all things in us [Phil 2:13] and for our selves; much more is it the Lord, that must work in us for the conversion of others. If therefore it was once a cross to us to speak, though the Lord required it at our hands; let it never be so to be silent, when he doth not [Isa 1:12].

SBD 27 (1750): A state of infancy ought to be looked upon with great allowance of charity, and if anything appears manly in such a state, that ought not to be made the standard of others to walk by, we must attribute it rather to the giver..., that gives to everyone as he will, to some a greater and to others a smaller portion of his Spirit [cf 2 Ki 2:9], but to everyone, both preachers and hearers, such a manifestation thereof as by faithful obedience thereto they may profit by it [1 Cor 12:7].

DFR 73f (1774): The negroes are rational creatures, and as accountable to their Maker, as white men and women are. Why then should they not have the same advantages of learning and instruction that we have? Why should they not be as carefully informed that there is a God, and that He is to be worshipped, feared and obeyed by all his rational family? that we and they are all favored with "a manifestation of his holy spirit to profit withal [1 Cor 12:7]"? And why should they not be pressed to a close attention, and obedience to its directions?


12:8 For [T omits] to one is given by [T: through] the Spirit the word [T: utterance] of wisdom; to another the word [T: is given the utterance] of knowledge by the same Spirit;      qtext

12:9 [G: +And] To another [GBT: +is given] faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;

12:10 [G: +And] To another the working of miracles [G: the operations of great works; BT: power to do miracles]; to another prophecy; to another discerning of [B: judgement to discern; T: judgement of] spirits; to another divers kinds of [G: diversities of; T: divers] tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:      qtext

12:11 But [GT: And] all these [G: +things; BT: these all] worketh that one and [G: one and; B: even one and; T: even] the selfsame Spirit, dividing [G: distributing] to every man severally [B: a several gift; T: several gifts even] as he will.      qtext


(1 Cor 12:8-10) RBA 43; RBAF 33

(1 Cor 12:8) GFJN 28; GF4: 168; GF6: 232; GF7: 166 [174], 205 [206], 235 [222]; GF8: 124 [333], 230 [383], 233 [385], 279 [401], 310 [420]; DGA 80; WPT 348

(1 Cor 12:10) HPS 57

(1 Cor 12:10f) GF5: 243

(1 Cor 12:11) GF8: 69 [313], 188 [363] [ cf 1 Cor 7:17]


(1 Cor 12:8-10)

RBA 43, RBAF 33 (1678, II.10): [following discussion of role of "the Spirit of God dwelling in us" in Rom 8] It is by this Spirit that the glorious things which God hath laid up for us, which "neither outward ear hath heard, nor outward eye hath seen, nor the heart of man conceived" by all his reasonings, are revealed unto us (1 Cor 2:9f). It is by this Spirit that both wisdom and knowledge, and faith, and miracles, and tongues, and prophecies, are obtained (1 Cor 12:8-10). It is by this Spirit that we are "all baptized into one body" (1 Cor 12:13). In short, what thing relating to the salvation of the soul, and to the life of a Christian, is rightly performed, or effectually obtained without it?

(1 Cor 12:8)

Fox often uses "word of wisdom" in conjunction with other "words of" life [1 Jn 1:1], patience [Rev 3:10] reconciliation [2 Cor 5:19], etc.

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 12:8: GF7:235, GF8:233 (1 Jn 1:1), GF6:232 (1 Jn 2:7)]

(1 Cor 12:10)

HPS 56f (Sarah Blackborow, 1658): Now every one who loves God's witness [1 Jn 5:9], and is joined to it, shall know the power of God which gives dominion over the sinful nature, and leads into a Saviour, and here man shall see Christ Jesus as near him, to save him, as the devil is near to tempt him, and shall come to know every motion and thought of his heart, from whence it springs, and to know certainly where his hope stands, and how he comes by it, and the faith of the Son of God, and when it is delivered, and how to contend for it [Jude 1:3], and to see all his works, and where they stand, and be made able to discern of spirits [1 Cor 12:10], whether good or evil, and to judge of them, and so grow up in the light, unto that state which once was witnessed, and beyond it....

(1 Cor 12:11)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 12:11: GF8:69 (John 6:50), GF8:188 (Rev 2:19)]


12:12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one [G: the; BT: one] body, [G: +which is one,] being many, are [GBT: though they by many, yet are but] one body: so also [GBT: even so] is Christ.      qtext

12:13 For by [T: in] one Spirit are we all baptized into [T: to make] one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles [G: Grecians], whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into [BT: all drunk of] one Spirit.      qtext

12:14 For the body [G: + also] is not one member, but many.


(1 Cor 12:12-31) GF8: 69 [313]; DGA 74; RBA 69, 230f, 255; RBAF 52, 194; EQ 539 (BR); HPS 509

(1 Cor 12:12) JN3: 725 (RR); IP3: 43

(1 Cor 12:12f) GFEJ 476; GF5: 296; SIW 38; JSS 24f

(1 Cor 12:13) GFJN 134, 529; GF3: 129, 142, 199, 244, 271, 370, 557; GF4: 42, 58, 85, 272, 282, 300, 413; GF5: 186, 225, 303, 309, 377; GF6: 68, 176f, 250, 290, 293f; GF7: 37 [31]; GF8: 181 [361], 188 [363], 277 [319]; GFT 218, 219, 223; DGA 167; LB (E66, G11); MFS 33, 55; MFU 59, 168; JN1: 14 (GF), 19, 150, 155, 165; 211 (GF), 221, 227, 288, 294, 300f, 494; JN2: 81; JN3: 100, 104, 461; IP4: 84, 127, 385f; RBA 32, 43, 151, 255; RBAF 33, 107, 194; WPR 69, 268, 313, 341, 595; WPT 212

(1 Cor 12:14f) LB (E66)


(1 Cor 12:12-27)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 12:12-27: GF8:69 (John 6:50), HPS 509 (John 15:8)]

(1 Cor 12:12)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 12:12: IP3:43 (John 17:21- 23)]

(1 Cor 12:12f)

SIW 38 (Lydia Rawlinson Lancaster, 1715): So in a sense of that which has made us nearly related and given us to drink in one Spirit, whereby we are joined as the members of one body [1 Cor 12:12f], in which our fellowship is sweet and our sympathy abounds one with another, doth my bowed soul greet thee my valuable friend, whose memory is precious and living in my heart and which I hope absence and time will not raze out.

JSS 24f (17 ): It is plain the body of Christ is spiritual; for we are members of it by baptism of the one spirit into it: by drinking into the one spirit [1 Cor 12:13]. It is not our outward bodies that compose, and are the members of Christ's body; but it is the birth of Christ in us; it is a union of the life of God and the life of man; and thus the apostle's simile is beautifully instructive; the outward body is one with the head, the members are all of the body; "so also is Christ " [1 Cor 12:12]. The begotten are all members of the body; the body is one with and in the head, "and the head of Christ is God" [1 Cor 11:3].

(1 Cor 12:13)

DGA 167 (1986): Early Friends rejected water baptism as an outward ritual that detracts attention from Christ's true baptism by his Spirit. Fox points out that this outward-mindedness has led the Church into an apostasy of many religions with many baptisms. But "there is one faith which Christ Jesus is the author and finisher of [Heb 12:2]; and there is one baptism [Eph 4:5], and by one spirit we are all baptized into one body (1 Cor 12:13)" (GF8: 277)

[Other texts citing 1 Cor 12:13: GF3:142 (Rom 2:29), GF8:69 (John 6:50) GF8:181 (John 4:10), GF8:188 (Rev 2:19), GF8:277 (see DGA 167 in note above), MFU 168 (Mat 26:28f), JN1:165 (1 Cor 10:16), JN1:288f (Rom 8:9), JN3:100 (Rom 6:3f), IP4: 84 (Gen 10:9), RBA 43 (1 Cor 12:8-10)]

GF7:37 (1653): Dear Friends,—Mind the steadfast guide to the Lord, where we do all meet in the eternal spirit, in oneness, all being baptized by it into one body [1 Cor 12:13], having one food, the eternal bread of life [John 6:51], which the immortal feed upon, and all made to drink into one spirit [1 Cor 12:13], which is the cup of the communion of the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ [1 Cor 10:16], which makes perfect, and redeems from all that is vain, fleshly, and earthly, up to God, who is holy, pure, spiritual, and eternal.

JN1:19, 221 (1653-4): Concerning baptism, the true bapitism is that of the Spirit, with the Holy Ghost and with fire [Mat 3:11; mar: Acts 1:5], baptized by one Spirit into one body (1 Cor 12:13); not the washing away the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toards God (1 Pet 3:21); by the resurrection of Jesus Christ (Col 2:12), without which no other baptism can save us, they being but figures or shadows (mar: Gal 3:27), but this baptism of Christ is the substance, whereby we are baptized into his death (Rom 6:3).

WPR 341 (1673): Does not J. Crook expressly draw a parallel between the holy men of God of old [2 Pet 1:21], and the Quakers of our time; that as they then, so the Quakers now wait to be taught, moved and ordered by the same eternal Spirit, through which all come to be baptized into one body [1 Cor 12:13]? How was that then no spiritual ministration, when we desire to be conformed unto the Spirit and holy example thereof, not making this anew, but reviving that old and durable ministration of the Spirit?


12:15 If the foot shall [GB: would; T omits] say, Because [T omits] I am not the hand, [T: + therefore] I am not of the body; is it [T: he] therefore not of the body?

12:16 And if the ear shall [GB: would; T omits] say, Because [T omits] I am not the eye, [T: + therefore] I am not of the body; is it [T: he] therefore not of the body?

12:17 If the whole [BT: all the] body were an eye, where were [BT: +then] the hearing [T: ear]? If the whole [BT: all] were hearing, where were the smelling?

12:18 But now hath God set [GT: disposed] the members every one of them [B: severally] in the body, as it hath pleased him [GB: at his own pleasure].

12:19 And [GB: For; T omits] if they were all one member, where were the body?

12:20 But [BT: omit] now are they many members, yet but one body.

12:21 And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head [GBT: the head again (T: also)] to the feet, I have no need of you.      qtext

12:22 Nay, much more [G: Yea, much rather; BT: Yea, rather a great deal] those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are [T: most feeble are most] necessary:

12:23 And [GBT: +upon] those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable [G: most unhonest; BT: least honest], upon these we bestow more abundant honour [GBT: put we more honesty on]; and our uncomely [T: ungodly] parts have more abundant comeliness [GB: more comeliness on; T: most beauty on] .

12:24 For our comely [T: honest] parts [BT: members] have no need [GBT: need it not]: but God hath tempered the body together [T: so disposed the body] , having [GBT: and hath] given more abundant [GB: the more; T: most] honour to that part which lacked:

12:25 That [GBT: Lest] there should be no schism [G: any division; BT: any strife] in the body; but that the members should have the same [T: indifferently] care one for another.      qtext

12:26 And whether [G: Therefore if; BT: And if] one member suffer, all the members [GBT omit] suffer with it [T: him] ; or [GBT: if] one member be honoured [GBT: had in honour], all the members rejoice with it [T: members be glad also] .      qtext


(1 Cor 12:17) RBA 271; RBAF 210

(1 Cor 12:18) JN2: 62

(1 Cor 12:20) GF5: 297

(1 Cor 12:20f) MFU 90; HPS 460 (MF)

(1 Cor 12:21) JN3: 593f (WT)

(1 Cor 12:24f) HPS 489

(1 Cor 12:25) GF8: 63 [311]; JN1: 315; WPR 626; WPT 336

(1 Cor 12:25f) MFU 90; HPS 460 (MF)

(1 Cor 12:26) HPS 208; JSS 30

(1 Cor 12:26f) GF5: 297


[Other texts citing 1 Cor 12:20f: MFU 90 | HPS 460 (Mat 10:8)]

(1 Cor 12:21)

JN3: 593f (William Tomlinson, 1656): It is said (Song 4:16), "Awake, O north winds, and come thou south, and blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat his pleasant fruits." Let him that readeth understand. And let not the south wind say to the north wind, there hath been no need of thee. Neither let the north wind withstand the south wind, and say, there is no need of thee. [cf 1 Cor 12:21] Or let not the garden say to the winds, there is no need of you or either of you, for both are needful for causing the spices to flow out, that the Beloved may enter into his garden and eat his pleasant fruits. Let him that readeth understand what the winds are.

(1 Cor 12:25f)

MFU 90, HPS 460 (1654): And as the Lord hath loved you with his everlasting love [Jer 31:3], ... so let that love constrain you to love one another [John 13:34], and be serviceable to one another; and that every one may be made willing to suffer for the body's sake; and that there may be no rent in the body, but the members have the same care one over another; and where one member suffers, all the members may suffer with it [1 Cor 12:25f]: and here is the unity of the Spirit, and the bond of peace [Eph 4:3].

(1 Cor 12:26)

JSS 30 (179-): The sufferings of Christ for the salvation of men, began not when he took flesh of the virgin Mary, nor are his sufferings one thing in nature or kind in the head, and another in the members. If "one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it [1 Cor 12:26]." All is in the oneness.


12:27 Now [BT omit] ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular [G: for your part; BT: one of another].

12:28 And God hath set [T: + also; GBT: ordained] some in the church [T: congregation], first [G: as first; T: first the] apostles, secondarily [G: secondly] prophets, thirdly teachers, after that [GBT: then them that do] miracles, then [GBT: after that, the] gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities [GBT: healing, helpers, governors, diversity] of tongues.

12:29 Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? [GB: next to v 30] are all workers [GBT: doers] of miracles?

12:30 Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?

12:31 But covet earnestly [G: But desire you; BT: Covet after] the best gifts: and yet shew I unto [G: and I will yet shew] you a more excellent way.      qtext


(1 Cor 12:27) IP4: 6; RBAF 194; JSS 24

(1 Cor 12:28) RBA 270; RBAF 209

(1 Cor 12:29) RBA 270; RBAF 210

(1 Cor 12:31) GF8: 212 [375]; JN3: 106; WPT 333


(1 Cor 12:31)

JN3:105f (1656): we do not despise any ordinance of God which he hath called any of his people to do in any generation; nor dare we take a tradition upon us which God hath not required at our hands [Isa 1:12], lest we keep people in that which God is departed out of, and it be said to us, "Who required it at your hands?" But God hath showed us a more excellent way [1 Cor 12:31]: the light is come [Isa 6:1], and therein have we found Christ Jesus, the guide of his people, and the leader of ages, even the Spirit of truth, which leads into all truth [John 16:13], even into all that God requires, the obedience to which is better than sacrifice [1 Sam 15:22].

This page added April 2008